Family Tree USA – September 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1 7

N Recent Reads
David McCullough, author
of acclaimed histories
such as 1776 , Truman,
and John Adams, released
a new book earlier this
year. Entitled The Pioneers
(Simon & Schuster), the
book profi les the fi rst
American settlers in the
Northwest Territory—
modern Ohio, Indiana,
Illinois, Michigan,
Wisconsin, and eastern

W Famous Families
The folks over at
have compiled dozens
of royal family trees and
timelines that bring his-
tory to life. Check out
the site’s free YouTube
channel <
com/usefulcharts>, which
features deep dives into
individual trees. So far, the
channel has covered the
royal families of England,
the Netherlands, the Holy
Roman Empire, Russia
and Prussia.

E^ Name Games
Find an unusual name
in your family tree?
Check out its profi le on
Behind the Name <www.>,
which contains histories
for thousands of fi rst
names. Each name profi le
details the name’s origin,
including its meaning in
the native language. You
can also learn how the
name’s popularity has
changed over time. Mary,
for example, is the English
version of the Greek
Mariam and the Hebrew
Miryam. The name was
the most popular US girl’s
name from 1880 to 1946
and 1953 to 1961. But its
popularity has declined
in recent decades; in 2018,
it was the 126th most

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