Family Tree USA – September 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1


accessible via the Historic Earth, a “geographic
time machine.” Pay per view, or subscribe for
$34.99 a month.

This collaboration between Central Europe-
an archives (and other institutions) doesn’t
yet have the depth of other historical map
sites, but it may be your best bet for mapping
Austro-Hungarian and related places. You
can even view maps in 3D or side by side with
modern maps.

Meyers Gazetteer
Searching this key German gazetteer, which
listed every place name in the German Empire
(1871–1918), couldn’t be easier, thanks to gener-
ous allowance for wildcards.

US Geological Survey
Another way to put your ancestors on the map is
this handsome home to the National Map, state
maps, historical maps, topographic maps, satel-
lite views and the Geographic Names Informa-
tion System (GNIS).


With more than 13,000 pages related to geneal-
ogy and history (and that’s just the ones in Eng-
lish), the world’s leading social-networking site
off ers a lot more than just your high school best
friend’s latest brags.

Add your ancestors to the World Family Tree
linking 132 million people, then invite cousins
and other kin to join in. It’s all free.

Like a bulletin board for your fi nds, photos and
favorites, this addictive sharing site can also be
searched for others’ visual treasures.

This self-proclaimed “front page of the Internet,”
hosts thousands of “subreddit” forums, includ-
ing general genealogy forums (r/Genealogy)
and those devoted to particular ancestries
and historical facts (the naughtily named
r/HistoryPorn). See our guide in the January/
February 2018 issue <www.familytreemagazine.

Now mostly recovered after a security-breach
shutdow n, t h is long-r un n ing site ser ves up ma il-
ing lists, World Connect pedigree fi les, how-to
articles, and content from the former Ancestry
Wiki, including The Source and Red Book.

Head here to help build a single, unifi ed fam-
ily tree, share documents and upload photos
and stories. Your ancestors might be among the
2.9 million people already entered here, from
400,000 locations.

Uniquely, this collaborative family tree includes
more than 5.4 million profi les with information
on DNA tests at various sites. Overall, more than
a half-million people have contributed profi les
on 20 million ancestors.

Yo uTu b e
From FamilySearch and Ancestry to family-
history TV shows and authors from your favor-
ite magazine (ahem, <
familytreemagazine>), hundreds of thousands of
how-to videos are streamable here.


Alabama Mosaic
Besides points for good looks, this site merits a
visit for its digitized family histories, natural-
ization records, photos, letters, yearbooks and
more from institutions across the state.
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