Ethnicity Estimates
Which DNA testing company
has the best ethnicity estimates?
First of all, there are three fac-
tors that aff ect the accu-
racy and usefulness of ethnicity
estimates you receive from a
testing company, no matter
which one you choose. We’ll
save the fi rst two (fancy math
and timing) for a later discus-
sion. But the most relevant to
your question are the reference
populations—the people a company
is comparing you against.
These reference populations are made
up of regular people living today whose DNA
can be used to represent the typical genetic
makeup of a particular area. Each person in
a reference population had grandparents who
all lived within 60 miles of each other in a par-
ticular place. But if a testing company doesn’t
have a reference population that refl ects your
ancestral makeup, your results won’t be able
to provide detailed, accurate information on
where your DNA is from.
For example, Family Tree DNA <www.> doesn’t have an ethnic-
ity category specifi cally for Ireland. So even
if you’re 100-percent Irish, you won’t fi nd the
term “Irish” in your DNA test results. Rather,
you’ll be in the “British Isles” category. That
result might not surprise you, but someone
with ancestry in Poland probably wouldn’t fi nd
“Broadly European” very helpful. That result
is technically accurate, but it’s too broad to be
interesting or useful.
So, to return to your question: The best eth-
nicity estimates will come from the company
that has your ancestral population(s) as a refer-
ence population. Each of the major companies
provides a complete list of their reference popu-
lations, so you can check that list to determine
which company may be best for your particular
mix of heritage.
All of the major companies are going to be
good at providing a basic background for those
of Western European descent. (Family Tree
DNA is a decent baseline.) But some companies
also excel in other areas of the world. Here’s a
quick rundown of the major companies and
their areas of expertise:
(^) 23andMe: Eastern European or South/
Central American ancestry
(^) AncestryDNA: DNA Migrations tools that
help researchers determine where their ances-
tors were in the last 200 years, and what larger
movements of people they may have been pa r t of
(^) Living DNA: The United Kingdom, with 21
subsets that provide more detailed results there
(e.g., 12 percent Northumbershire, 6 percent
(^) MyHeritage DNA: Five Jewish reference
populations, plus some other unique popula-
tions like Indigenous Amazonian and Inuit
No matter which company you choose, be pre-
pared for changes and updates, as ethnicity esti-
mates are an ongoing area of research.
Diahan Southard