Airgun World – Summer 2019

(vip2019) #1 AIRGUN WORLD 19

where some, although thankfully not all, can
take one glance at a photo and place their
opinions above those who have studied, used,
manufactured and developed the objects of the
Internet ‘experts’ derision. I’m all for considered
opinion; it’s a vital component in shaping our
world and we build this magazine around just
that, but it has to be considered, rather than
yanked out of the ether, with it’s main purpose
being controversy and condemnation.

In the case of the new R-10 TH, the
uninformed experts have declared their
disapproval of its ‘synthetic’ cheekpiece. It
isn’t synthetic; it’s a timber cheekpiece
covered in Soft Touch compound. That
compound is not only softer to the touch than
wood, it’s warmer, too, so on a purely
practical basis, that cheekpiece is an
undisputed winner. The beauty of any airgun
is very much in the eye of the beholder, but
my eye is taken with the styling of this
cheekpiece, as well as its practicality. I like
the contrast of matte black against the oiled
walnut stock, and the cheekpiece harmonises
with the adjustable butt pad, barrel shroud
and silencer, plus the rifle’s action. Other
opinions are welcome ... provided they’re
properly considered, of course.

That’s enough of negating nonsense; let’s study
the features around which this rifle is built, and


there are certainly plenty of those. The R-
TH is a bolt-action, fully-regulated, 10-shot,
precharged-pneumatic, that runs off the potent
combination of a 280cc buddy bottle and a
removable, rotary, magazine.
The CCS – Customer Configurable Silencer

  • is also removable; at least the shroud is,
    should you prefer the bare barrel look, or if you
    need to fit a scope with a larger objective. I
    wouldn’t take up that option, though. First, this
    rifle suits its shrouded barrel, and second, I
    could never see me needing anything bigger
    than the BSA Optics 6-24 x 50 AO scope I fitted
    for this test. Truth to tell, I only fitted such an
    imposing scope so I could pick out individual,


You can remove the shroud, but please don’t.

.177 pellet holes in targets out to 50 yards, and
I’d swap that for a more ‘sporty’ sight, if this rifle
became a regular hunting companion.

The trigger system of the R-10 TH has been an
absolute triumph throughout the rifle’s entire
evolution, as it was on the SuperTen before it.
What began as a migrant from the Gamo
Match target rifle, has subtly morphed into one
of the very best sporting triggers ever
produced. The shoe can be shifted into perfect
contact with the fingertip and the activation
pressure can be varied to suit every
preference, whilst remaining safe, practical and
so very precise.

BSA technicians are traditionally a tight-lipped
bunch and detailed explanation of upgrades
are all but impossible to prise away, but
long-term techco boffin, Chris Dunn, conceded
a few points. I was told, albeit after a bit of
verbal jousting, that the new R-10’s trigger
mechanism, magazine, and regulator have
been ‘refined to optimise function.’ That
function has been sufficiently enhanced to
require only a 15-inch barrel, so there’s no
‘Super Carbine’ option this time, and the rifle is
now presented in a fully-padded hard case.
Personally, I’d have been hollering about these
upgrades from the rooftops, but then I’ve never
been anyone’s model of dignified restraint.

This has always been
just about the perfect
sporting trigger.
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