Heavy Duty – July-August 2019

(Romina) #1

Words & Pics Doc



efore there was
Superman, Batman or
Wonder Woman there
was The Shadow. Clad
in black, The Shadow
operated mainly after d k
vigilante in the name o
and terrifying criminal
vulnerability. As The Sh d
used to say during his
two decade exist-
ence which began in
1930, “Who knows
what evil lurks in the
hearts of men?” But
his key power was to
render himself invisible.
Which, by using the stage
magicians’ trick of misdirection,
S&S Cycle has essentially pulled
off with their Shadow pipe. The

Shadow is a dummy pipe which
mounts to the left side of the
bike to give the appearance of a
two-into-two system and which
fills in the cut out that the
e d d b d
c f

h l b
d g d d g d
two-into-one system will
outperform two-into-two units.
Older readers may remember
the popularity of two-into-one
Thunderheader system that

absolutely dominated perfor-
mance back in the Evo days.
But while they looked good
on a naked bike, they created
a total lop-sided look

o b d l
s d d
T d l d
p h
b h y l l l k h
balanced look of two mufflers
emerging from under two
panniers. Sound of trumpets!
Enter S&S with their Shadow
pipe, proving your grandma

wrong when she said that, “You
can’t have your cake and eat it
too!” Sorry Gran. You can!
The Shadow is a visual
match for the high performing
S der 2-1 and both are
available in either show
chrome or black ceramic
finish, and the Shadow
m l nicely fills the left side
c n extended bags, while
th hing end cap on the
Sh d s a mirror image of
r h de Sidewinder 2-1 end
N while the Shadow pipe
gives the illusion of a two-into-
two system it does not actually
connect with the right side
Sidewinder, but this can only be
seen if you lie on the ground and

Our Project Speed King gets an S&S pipe upgrade ...

in black, The Shadow
operated mainly after dark as a
vigilante in the name of justice,
and terrifying criminals into
vulnerability. As The Shadow

fills in the cut out that the
extended bag of today’s
cruisers feature.

Now it
has long been
shown that a well-
designed and engineered

a total lop-sided look

on a bagger. As does any single
sided system.
Today’s Harley-Davidson
owners are no less keen about
performance as they ever were,
but they also value looks – the

match for the high performing
Sidewinder 2-1 and both are
available in either show
chrome or black ceramic
finish, and the Shadow
muffler nicely fills the left side
cut out in extended bags, while
the matching end cap on the
Shadow is a mirror image of
right side Sidewinder 2-1 end
Now while the Shadow pipe
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