Amateur Photographer – 13 July 2019

(ff) #1

subscribe 0330 333 1113 I I 13 July 2019 37

1 Positioning the key light
The key light is placed left of the camera at an
acute angle to create a triangular patch of light
on the subject’s cheek. Lighting the far side of
the face is known as ‘short’ lighting.

1 Positioning the key light
A Rotolight AEOS is fi tted with a pink gel
(these come with the lights) and then placed
to the right of the model. A side-on pose
means the light hits the profi le of the face.

2 Adding a fi ll light
A second fi ll light (another Rotolight AEOS) is
positioned next to the camera and set to 40%
power to fi ll in the shadows. This is a classic
key and fi ll set-up.

2 Adding frontal lighting
A second Rotolight AEOS is placed to the left
of the camera, slightly closer to the camera
than the other light to offer more frontal
illumination. It is fi tted with a blue gel.

3 Lift ing the face and hair
Finally, a Rotolight NEO 2 is directed at the
subject from over her left shoulder, lifting the
edge of the face and the hair. It is fi red at
6 0% power.

3 Lighting the background
A Rotolight NEO 2 is fi tted with a stronger blue
gel and trained onto the backdrop, resulting in
a boost of colour and bringing extra depth to
the portrait.




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