Manufacturing Today – July 2019

(Romina) #1

During machining, the ball screw in a machine tool has to bear heavy loads. It transfers enormous forces at high
traverse speeds and deforms due to thermal changes. This results in axial offsets in the feed mechanism. Machine
tools without linear encoders cannot detect these offsets. The consequences are astounding dimensional errors on
the finished workpiece. Of course, linear encoders in a Closed-Loop design do not prevent the heating and expansion
of the feed mechanism. But they always ascertain the actual axis position, free of influence from thermally induced
offsets and other effects on the feed elements. In this way they ensure distinctly higher workpiece accuracy and
greater reproducibility in machining.

Does heat have to affect

the machining result?

Angle Encoders Linear Encoders Contouring Controls Position Displays Length Gauges Rotary Encoders

HEIDENHAIN OPTICS & ELECTRONICS INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Chennai 600031, India Phone +91 44 4023 4300

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