Soap Opera Digest – August 12, 2019

(lily) #1

she spotted Liesl torturing
Finn by the bar). Then Mr.
and Mrs. Baldwin arrived,
and the show winked at its
audience when Franco jovi-
ally balked at answering the
guests’ cry to “Kiss! Kiss!”
“A really smart person once
told me, ‘Make ’em laugh,
make ’em cry, make ’em
wait,’ ” he told Liz, repeating
a quote often attributed to
soap doyenne Agnes Nixon.
“A year and a half later, I
think they’ve waited long
enough,” she retorted, and a
tender kiss ensued.
Franco then addressed
the room, acknowledging,
“It’s been a long, strange trip
getting here,” before turning
his attention to Liz. “Thank
you for loving me, thank you
for allowing me to love you,
thank you for believing in

checking off just about every
box a fan could want (a gen-
erous guest list, warm family
moments, heartfelt speeches,
a romantic first dance).
The savor-able moments
actually preceded the
duo’s entrance to the bash.
Elizabeth, who had been
denied a proper wedding
night, decided to get the
honeymoon started early,
seducing her hubby in their
stateroom (or trying to, since
they were soon interrupted
by a dose of domestic real-
ity: a knock on the door
from Cameron, warning that
Jake and Aiden were get-
ting restless). Their delay
allowed for some delightful
character mingling (Laura
and Kevin’s shock at seeing
Bobbie on Scott’s arm, Nina
“mounting a rescue” when

Digest Salutes
The Best In
Soaps Beam Me Up: Liz
(Rebecca Herbst)
and Franco (Roger
Howarth) were all
smiles during
their first




:^ V








H hit the pause button
on the doom and gloom
permeating Port Charles to
celebrate the joining together
of Elizabeth and Franco.
Their reception was techni-
cally unconventional, inso-
far as it took place months
after the wedding — but
in terms of the satisfying,
sudsy drama that unfolded
aboard (and overboard) The
Haunted Star, it was classic
soap, infused with heart and
humor aplenty.
First and foremost, GH
should be lauded for the
make-good to “Friz” fans
that the party represented.
Their no-frills February cer-
emony (which took place in
a holding cell at the PCPD,
as the groom had erroneous-
ly been arrested for Ryan’s
crimes) was widely viewed
as a letdown, especially since
the engagement had lasted
well over a year (an eon in
soap time) and the nups had
been postponed twice. This
was a marvelous mea culpa,

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