Soap Opera Digest – August 12, 2019

(lily) #1

So, yeah, I have been there when they’re
working with someone new and telling the
same jokes.”
After all, she points out, breakup stories
force a new dynamic between actors. “In
my experience, you end up not hanging
out with them as much. Like say there’s
a party scene where you’re sitting at the
same table as the person who is your love
interest. If they have a different love inter-
est, now you’re hanging out with a new
Nowadays, she takes these turns of sto-
ryline fate in stride. “Now I just go with
it,” she shrugs. “I don’t know if my attitude
is great or [if] I’m super-jaded. I don’t
know which it is. I’m still trying to figure
it out. But I just go with it.”
Ingo Rademacher (Jax, GH) offers that
he takes his character’s breakups in stride
“because I know that the story always
comes around again. It may take a year or
two or three, but down the line, I’m sure
they’ll do something with the connection
between Jax and Carly. And even though
I’m not together on the show with Carly,
we still have a connection because of their
daughter, so we do still work together.”
Most of Rademacher’s on-screen splits
have been timed either to one of his exits
from the show, or to the departure of his

leading lady. “When I stop a storyline with
an actress, it tends to be either because
they’ve left,” as was the case with Vanessa
Marcil (ex-Brenda) back in 1998, “or I’ve
left! So you’ll have to ask James Patrick
Stuart [Valentin] when I steal his co-star,”
he winks. “He’s already like, ‘Aw, come
on, man!’ ”
Laura Wright (Carly, GH) told Digest
in 2015 that she took Rademacher’s 2011
exit from the show, which occurred in
tandem with Jax and Carly’s split, rather
hard. “We had lunch together every single
day,” she explained. “I was like, ‘Not only
am I losing my scene partner, but my lunch
buddy?’ It’s a weird thing, you know?
They’re not really your husband, but you
work in this distended reality and so you
really have to keep yourself in check.” But
Rademacher says that now that he’s back
on the show, “We still have lunch! When
I came back, we all had lunch together,
Laura and Maurice [Benard, Sonny] and
Wes [Ramsey, Peter, Wright’s beau]. It all
comes back around.”
That proved to be the case when Mary
Beth Evans (Kayla, DAYS) lost her love
interest, Stephen Nichols (Steve), when
he exited the show abruptly in 2017. He is
now back taping and will begin airing later
this year, but for the actress, his absence

Lunch Buddies:
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