Soap Opera Digest – August 12, 2019

(lily) #1


was jarring. “For me and Stephen, the last
time was so sudden that I was personally
really taken aback,” she shares. “Every
time I had scenes on the phone with him
or was talking about him, I would choke
up. And I was choked up anyway, because
that’s how I felt. He’s back now. We had a
scene together, and he gave me a big hug
afterward and said how much he missed
me. And I know that. We really are very
good friends. Even if we’re not working
together, we’ll always get together for
lunch or something.”
Over the years, when DAYS has experi-
mented with splitting Steve and Kayla up,
“It’s weird, because you feel like they’re
your friend, but I’m not personally territo-
rial like that,” Evans asserts. The practical
consequences of not working with a part-
ner she shares a trust and a shorthand with
is what stands out to her more about the
experience. “The thing with Stephen and
me is we work so well together. We know
how to do it. We’ve done it for so long that
we don’t mind saying, ‘Why don’t you
say it like this?’ or, ‘Don’t say that. That
doesn’t work.’ We’re trying to make the
best of what we’re given and to connect.
“It’s so funny,” she continues. “I’ve
been on different shows and people can

be territorial. You have some scenes with
their ex-boyfriend and they’re on the set
seeing what you’re up to! It’s a story —
I’m not romantic with any of the people I
work with, for Pete’s sake — but it’s easy
to feel like that, because we all live and
breathe it.”
Sharon Case (Sharon, Y&R) reports
that when her character’s long-running
Genoa City love story with Nick first went
belly-up, “I was sad about not working
with Joshua [Morrow, Nick]. I couldn’t
imagine working with anyone else as a
love interest. I remember at that time,
Joshua said something like that to me, too,
which was natural because we only really
worked with each other. We were going
into new territory so we just didn’t know
what to expect from that. Would it work
out as well with a new co-star? It was hard
to say because we only knew each other as
partners. It was very uncertain.”
With the passage of time, “We got used
to it,” says Case. Over the years, Nick and
Sharon have been through the breakup-
to-makeup cycle many a time, and Case
has embraced working with her new love
interests. “I think the way the writing is,
those relationships happen naturally for
Sharon,” she muses. “It’s a story of two

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