Soap Opera Digest – August 12, 2019

(lily) #1
“There were a lot of things
on this show that made the
world go round for me. I had
an amazing time there. Every
morning when I walked onto
set, spending some time with
[Makeup Artist] Karen [Dahl]
and [everyone else] in the hair
and makeup room was, to me,
the start of a day that would
make me happy the entire
day, talking about life, talking
about things with them. It was
super-nice. I had a really cool
time. The beauty of it is the
set doesn’t require anything
special; it’s just the people that
make it special. They decided
to make it that way. I know
we didn’t have any contact
with the writers most of the
time, but from the bottom of
my heart, they wrote a lot of
incredible things and very fast,
more than I have ever seen in
my life. I loved that. It was a
beautiful time. ”
Since wrapping at DAYS,
the actor has been focused on
his own projects. “I have two
films that I wrote. And I’m
shooting one on my proper-
ty. It’s the first time that I’m
producing two bigger-scale
TV shows,” he shares. “I’m
building TV shows, building
movies, selling them and, of
course, my 9 to 5 job as an
actor is something that I’m

super-passionate about.
I’m going to shoot a movie
in Europe, more in North
Africa and all the way to
Egypt about the Bible. It’s an
old story about the Bible that
I felt was very different. I’m
excited to do it. Next week,
we’ll start to shoot a short
[film] that will end up being
more on network. It would
be like DAYS OF OUR
LIVES — really straightfor-
ward acting. I like that a lot

because you can say a lot of
things in a short amount of
time and make people feel
it. My passion is to make
people feel something, good
or bad. Since I was a very
young boy, I loved that. I
love to create story and be
part of people’s living rooms
in a way to make them
pleased with what they are
Marini would also be
open to doing another soap.
“Absolutely,” he declares.
“If the experience is any-
where near the experience
I had on DAYS OF OUR

Monaco [Sam, GH], ’cause
I’ve known her for a long time
because of DANCING WITH
THE STARS. We never had a
chance to work together. If the
opportunity comes knocking,
then I would definitely think
about it, for sure.”
And if Ted happened to have
a twin brother, Marini wouldn’t
mind that, either. “It’s so funny
because one of the executives
on the show, I cannot tell who,
told me, ‘Hey, you know how
it is here. Nobody dies. What
if he had a twin brother?’ ”
Marini muses. “I think for this
particular situation, to get rid
of bad people, you send a twin
brother that is a police offi-
cer that works for Interpol. I
thought that would be a good
idea because it would be a little
bit more real than usual and it
would be a lot more dangerous,
because when someone has
the ability to kill, because he’s
trained for it and he’s coming
from a different place and no
one knows him, he can do a lot
of damage.”
Ultimately, Marini notes,
great for me to do, and if they
have a great idea and it’s gonna
be fun, then maybe I’ll do a lit-
tle bit more. You never know.”




:^ X

J^ J






“I was really
happy when
I was on the















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