Star Magazine USA – August 12, 2019

(Marcin) #1

32 Star AUGUST 12, 2019

now facing up to 40 years in prison (the
charges carry a minimum of four years,
nine months). “They really thought every-
thing would be fine, and kind of laughed it
all off,” says the insider. “They just didn’t
understand the consequences.”
As the fog finally started to lift, the
couple turned on each other. “They can
hardly stand to be in the same room now,”
says the insider. “They don’t sleep in the
same bed anymore, and are constantly
bickering.” On the rare occasions they’re
not at each other’s throats, Mossimo
“mostly keeps to himself,” says the
source. “He’s paranoid that anything he
says will be used against him in court.”
Lori, meanwhile, is on the attack. “She
flies off the handle at Mossimo over the
smallest things,” reveals the insider.
The actress is seriously suffering.
“She’s humiliated,” says the source, “and
can’t stop crying. She looks like hell and
lives in fear of being photographed.”
The last two times she was spotted out
and about in Beverly Hills — leaving a
nail salon on June 21 and grabbing some
groceries after meeting up with friends
on July 15 — she was wearing sunglasses
and a giant hat. “Lori used to go out all the
time; she was the quintessential lady who
lunches,” says the insider. “She was a big
fixture on the social scene — but lately,
you don’t hear a peep out of her.” Lori and
Mossimo both feel trapped. “Ironically,

Ironically Lori and Mossimo already
feel like prisoners, a source says,
fearful of leaving their Bel Air
mansion — a far cry from the clink.

they already feel like prisoners in their
own home,” says the source. “It’s hor-
rendous, because they’re both stuck in the
house and can barely look at each other.
That kind of strain on a marriage is hard
to imagine.”

One insider says the dueling duo are
hoping for a peaceful split. “Neither of
them has the strength for another big

courtroom battle,” says the source, adding
that Lori and Mossimo would want a di-
vorce agreement to be “done and dusted”
well before they spend time behind bars.
But another source says that a “quiet
divorce” is unlikely, especially in light
of their shared $100 million fortune (see
box for more on their net worth). “They’re
both ruthless, money-hungry types,” says
the tipster, “and eventually it’ll erupt into
a full-on battle over money.” The couple


(^) $ (^35) MILLION
Better Days
When the couple
first appeared in
court this spring,
they presented a
united front — but
now they can barely
inhabit the same
room, a source says.

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