Glimpse – July 2019

(Ann) #1
100 | GLIMPSE | JULY 2019


Want to know what's in store for your star sign for July 2019?
It's all in the cards...


TAURUS [April 20 - May 20]
This July, you identify what amounts to a
‘threat’, on some level, to your happy home
life/closest relationship. You’re well aware
that not everyone has the best of intentions
and that sometimes, you’ve got to protect
what’s yours. This is one of those times, so
batten down the hatches, keep your loved
ones close, and- if in doubt- play it safe. A
cautious approach will see you through.

GEMINI [ May 21 - June 21]
Though it may not feel like it, you’re SO
close to success. With one final push,
you’re about to make it through. So, take
a deep breath and make that last move in
the direction of your heartfelt desire. Your
efforts will be rewarded, your endeavours
will make headway, and your intentions are
going to be fulfilled. All you need to do is

CANCER [June 21 - July 22]
You’ve been wondering about a change
of home or location, about switching
your landscape up for a new scene. And
I’m here to tell you that this IS the right
move, right now. You work hard, and you
deserve the pad of your dreams. A little
bit of effort will go a long way.

ARIES [March 21 to April 19]
You feel in the mood to acquire
new, or brush up on old, skills. Your
ambition fuels a need to always be
improving and looking for new ways
to get higher up on the ladder of
life. A little bit of education can go
a long way right now, so look for
opportunities to learn.

LEO [July 23 - August 22]
There’s someone more likely, from your past
who you closed the door on some time ago... but
they keep cropping up in your thoughts, and
you wonder if you acted too hastily. *SPOILER*
you did! Pause to think about what was once
great about this relationship or commitment,
remember the positives, and reflect upon
whether they’d serve a purpose now. If so, then
seek to resurrect this back into your life.

VIRGO [August 23 - September 22]
Do you have a Fire sign (Leo, Aries, and
Sagittarius) ex or old friend who you miss
or would like to reconnect with? They were
dynamic, exciting, but quick to anger. Maybe
that’s how you fell out? If so, THIS is the
month to get back in touch. Sometimes
it’s all about the timing, and now might
very well be just the right window for this
relationship to have its day.

LIBRA [September 23 - October 22]
A relationship which has entered a stormy,
tricky phase can be repaired and resurrected
back to its former glory this month. You are the
most diplomatic and insightful of signs when
it comes to relationships, so use your skills to
seek a common ground you and your love/
friend/sibling/colleague can both relax in, and
restore your chemistry.

SCORPIO [October 23 - November 21]
Crumbs, Scorpio, you’re in a for one
hell of a great month - buckle up! Now
then, the key is about finally achieving
a dream-come-true of yours, it’s going
to happen, my friend, so believe in
miracles! You’ve got to focus your
intentions and energy on it, make
overt moves in its direction and let the
universe know what you’re after.

AQUARIUS [January 20- February 18]
Oh, my friend, you need to dig in and
demonstrate some of your famous assertive
strength this month. Standing up for yourself is
never usually an issue, because you know what
you believe in and you’ve got the strength of
character to defend it. So stay strong, look after
your side of the street and trust that it’ll work out
in your favour.

SAGITTARIUS [November 22-December 21]
A piece of interesting news come to you
out of the blue, this month, Sagittarius,
and initially you may feel a little wounded
or upset by it. But there is a glowing silver
lining to this piece of information, even if
it’s not what you thought you wanted to
hear - the truth is that you NEEDED to hear
this, and now that you have, you’re free to
pursue something new.

CAPRICON [December 22 - January 19]
I feel like you’re ready for a change of
location or landscape, Capricorn, do you
feel it too? Perhaps it’s just switching up
your usual haunts and finding some new
space to play in, perhaps it’s a move of
home, or maybe you’re ready for a new role
or job. It’s time to broaden your horizons, in
whatever way excites you the most. Change
is afoot...

PISCES [February 19 - March 20]
Look to those you love and like, this month,
because they need your wise, compassionate
presence in their lives. You’re a ‘rock’ to so
many people around you, Pisces, and this is
a wonderful gift. Some need practical help, a
shoulder to cry on, uplifting and taking out. You
can bring light and warmth into a lot of people’s
lives this month, so look for opportunities to do
just that and you’ll be rewarded by Karma later
down the line.
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