Glimpse – July 2019

(Ann) #1
70 | GLIMPSE | JULY 2019


earing arousal is often in
it of itself arousing, and
certainly the visual of seeing
people receiving pleasure
is, too. One quick search to his favorite
fantasy will flow his juices before you
even touch him. Don't think this trick
is just for your partner, it is equally
applicable on you too, and could open
your mind to new sexual possibilities.
So, set up your mind and let Netflix
and chill help in blooming your chill

Nymphomaniac 1&2
This is an epic two-parter (over four
hours long) about a sex addict, so
naturally they include many graphic sex
scenes like unsimulated sex, a montage
of flaccid penises, and more unflinching
sex scenes than most of filmmaking
history combined. It’s alternately erotic,
emotional, and philosophical but
there are few films more graphically
or intrinsically enmeshed in exploring
human sexuality.

Blue Is the Warmest Color
While best remembered for its stamina-
filled, seven-minute sex scene,Blue Is
the Warmest Color is a sexual coming-
of-age story about two teen girls falling
in love. A French teenager explores her
Sapphic sexuality with a blue-haired art
student. With its NC-17 rating, it's no
surprise there are some very graphic
lesbian sex scenes. If you’re in the mood
for a love story that feels real, human,
epic, and yes, very, very, sexy, go for
Blue Is the Warmest Color.

Duck Butter
A pair of artist who strikes up an instant
connection and decide to skip the
bullshit of dating and jump right into

intimacy by spending 24 hours together.
It starts out pretty grand, all sex and
deep conversations, and more sex, but
eventually, the cracks start to show and

the women learn just how flawed they
both are during their heated act of self-
exploration. This is a unique kind of film
watch the trailer before.

Oh Ramona
Oh, Ramona! relies on heavy-handed,
gimmicky visuals. The film mixes
together sex scenes with visuals of
other objects—cupcakes that look like
breasts, pomegranates split open, a hand
dipping into a honey jar, etc. it’s hard to
pinpoint what the filmmakers wanted


Most of the couples prefer to keep electronics out of the bedroom (and you should) to keep intimacy alive, but watching Netflix and
doing chill is an exception. A research from University Of Michigan proved that a romantic movie or an action-adventure film can send
your hormone levels in measurably different directions.


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