Glimpse – July 2019

(Ann) #1

84 | GLIMPSE | JULY 2019


Text : Manokriti Bedi

comfortable sharing and don’t hold
back. Let each other know if you feel
disrespected. Be sure to only talk about
it when you are in this space. You can’t
just pull off this conversation anywhere,
at any time and, also not in between
disagreements. You need to keep a check
on your mood too..!

5 Understand his problem
If you know he is going through some
bad phase or problem, understand
be with him but don’t support his
disrespectful attitude as it doesn’t take
much time to convert such an attitude
into a bad habit. Empathize with him,
give him your shoulder to cry on but
at the same time make him understand
that such behaviour is not the immediate
release of emotions instead it can lead to
damaging of the relation.

6 Walk away until you're both Calm
If your husband is being disrespectful,
walk away. That’s right! Don’t fight
back. Just walk away and wait. Wait
till he’s cooled down. He will not hear
you - ever - at all - if either of you is
mad. It’s a waste of time to even try and
honestly, there is very little that needs

to be discussed right away. Unless your
house is on fire, it can wait. So wait till
you’ve both calmed down, wait till you
have your head on straight and you’re
sure your motivation for talking to him
is coming from a place of love, then tell
him how you feel. It is only then that he
may be able to finally understand how
his disrespectful behaviour affects you.

7 Give him a chance
As much as I think dumping him is
totally justified, if you are willing to work
on this and think he has the potential
to change, give him a fighting chance.
Do not give him a deadline. People do
not work that way. When it comes to
learning how to deal with a disrespectful

boyfriend, let him try. If he messes up,
remind him that these are the moments
he is being disrespectful. Give him a
chance to right his wrongs. If he still
goes back to his old ways, dump his
disrespecting ass.

8 Are you respecting him?
When we are disrespected, we
automatically go into a mode where
we demand respect. That is perfectly
fair. But, within this headspace, we lose
respect for him. We cannot expect him
to respect us if we do not respect him.
This is a two-way street. It is all about
being treated equally. You cannot look
down on him because he wasn’t filled
with progressive knowledge before you
got together.

9 Therapist
If nothing works out take a professional
help. Couples therapy is not just for
marriage, whether you have been
together for four years or four months,
you can benefit from a healthy space
to work on issues like a disrespectful

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