Glimpse – July 2019

(Ann) #1
86 | G S | JULY 2019

Woo hoo! I feel great!




Sometimes we have days where everything just seems to be going well and we start dancing and singing around the
house in a great mood. These kinds of days are days where we feel confident, happy with how life is going and peculiarly,
filled with immense energy.



ome days are very good days
and on the other hand some
days are where people tend to
have low level of enthusiasm
for life and feel sad, depressive and not
willing to get up from the bed.
Our moods changes are a result of
hormones and neurotransmitters, and
the hormones that our body produce
depend on a lot of different factors but

weather change is one of the biggest
and basic reason behind our mood
According to a study done in New
York Times, we find people more active
and high on life on a sunny day as
compared to rainy days because sunlight
can affect our brain almost directly
through the thin parts of the skull and
other parts of the brain and triggers the

production of endorphins which are the
'feel good hormones' that put us in such
a good mood. A lack of sunlight then can
starve us of one of these major sources
of happiness hormones and this is what
causes many people to suffer from 'SAD'

  • 'Seasonal Affective Disorder' – which
    is a more exaggerated dependency on
    the weather for our mood.
    "Rainy weather gives me a depressing

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