The Week India – July 14, 2019

(Tina Sui) #1
Himesh Patel, 28, fi rst came into the
limelight as Tanwar Masood in the BBC
soap opera EastEnders when he was 16
years old. In what is being hailed as his
breakout performance, the South Asian
actor plays aspiring musician Jack Malik
in Danny Boyle’s latest romantic come-
dy, Ye s t e rd a y. He is hit by a bus during a
sudden global power outage. When the
lights come back on, no one remembers
Th e Beatles except Malik. Our hero then
capitalises on this collective amnesia
and passes off their songs as his own.

What is the objective of this movie?
Th e story focuses on the lives of a
Dalit family from Kerala who move
to Himachal Pradesh after a natural
disaster. Th ere, they work in apple
orchards under severe climactic
conditions. I wanted the viewers to
understand the struggle faced by
families of labourers.

What were some of the challenges
faced while making the movie?
Everything from weather to logistics
has been a challenge. We worked for
one and a half years to complete the
movie. It was like a battle. We have
shown fl oods in the movie, but this

was shot before the Kerala fl oods last
year. A coincidence, I say. Th e entire
crew put their heart and soul into it
to fi nish this project with perfection.
I can proudly say that our hard work
paid off in the end. It was a battle we

What inspired you to make Veyil
I wanted to focus on the lives of la-
bourers. I also wanted to subtly touch
upon the issue of caste discrimina-
tion and the struggles associated
with it. I make movies for me. Th ere
will always be people who criticise
the cast, the script the direction and

everything else about the movie.
But the most important thing for me
is that I like the movie and that it
impresses me.

Does Veyil Marangal set the bar high
for your next project?
Veyil Marangal was one among
3,964 entries from 112 countries at
the Shanghai festival, out of which
14 were selected to compete for the
Golden Goblet. It was the only entry
from India. I feel awards and recogni-
tion increase responsibility. Th is one
has certainly set the bar high for my
next project. But I am excited about
the script, the direction and the future.the future.

Sonam Kapoor is popular on social
media and the proof of the pudding is
in the numbers. Her followers on Insta-
gram recently crossed the 20 million mark.
“Th ank you so much to all 20 million of
you, you fi ll my heart with so much love.
Th ank you, tribe,” she tweeted. She also
posted on Instagram pictures of her
in a stunning, green Emilia
Wickstead dress.




JULY 14, 2019 • THE WEEK 73
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