See Beyond – July 2019

(coco) #1


sonally, creatively, and intellectually. The job was
heaven sent.

Remember that vacant lot I mentioned earlier?
HBO was built right there just one year after my
Thanksgiving phone call. I couldn’t know then
that I was previewing the future, that my sev-
enth-floor office, looking out at the Empire State
Building, might have already existed in someone’s
grand plan. So, I absolutely do believe in angels.
They come at the most unexpected and sometimes
unwanted times. I’ve been blessed with more than
my share of visits, guiding me to places where

I belonged—even when I couldn’t or wouldn’t
initially recognize them. Over the years, I have
gotten better at getting out of my own way.

I moved to California after getting a pink slip
because of the worst merger in history: Time War-
ner/AOL. That was devastating. I really expected
to retire from HBO, to get that symbolic gold
watch. It is excruciatingly difficult to go from the
upper echelon in a huge company to job hunting.
Who would want to hire a middle-aged, ex-TV
executive? Overqualified—expensive—threaten-
ing—end of story.

At this time, my brother Jorge and his husband
Ron had started a global tour production com-

George Foreman; Ibis produced several HBO
marketing and PR productions with Foreman.

After a couple months
working with these angels,
I didn’t just get out
of my own way, I plunged!

Oscar de la Hoya; Ibis produced his first event after
Olympic Win in El Paso, Texas (1992)

July/August 2019
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