See Beyond – July 2019

(coco) #1

With Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul)
in the Caribbean (2019)

pany called Life Journeys. They were producing lectures
on cruise ships and at resorts worldwide for best-selling
authors in the Self-Help industry. Wow! When they asked
me for assistance, I wondered what a television executive
could do on a ship... hmmm... or at a resort. I’m not
a tour guide. Their need, whether they realized it or not,
actually saved me. After a couple months working with
these angels, I didn’t just get out of my own way, I ran!

For the last fourteen years, I’ve been honored to produce
some of the most inventive endeavors of my career. My
heart remains graciously grateful to Dr. Wayne Dyer,
Louise Hay, Esther Hicks, Dr. Brian Wiess, James Van
Praagh, Carolyn Myss, Gregg Braden, Dr. Joe Dispenza,
Reid Tracy, Jack Canfield and many more. Creating a
platform for some of the best minds in the world is the
realization of a dream I never expected to have. I appre-
ciate the chance to help make a difference, to work with
people dedicated to the development and empowerment
of the human soul and its journey as Children of Source.

The world is an ocean, whose currents carry unexpected
magic that throws us into the deepest waters only to save
us from fierce tides. This is the divine feminine at work
in all its glory. Whether through a song of love, a gifted
teacher, an experience of growth or a message of hope,
once we align with our destiny, we are compelled to
follow it. Life is inspiration in the making, from rais-
ing children, to caring for an aging parent, to the joy of
productivity, to the many influences of loves that come
and go. Allowing my journey to fulfill its destiny is the
best possible self-love and hopefully at times it has carried

I am constantly reminded of Victor Frankel’s belief in the
Will to Meaning. There is happiness and hope in ac-
knowledging the message of every experience. Good and
bad. My mother always used to say, “Never take a step
backwards, even to gain momentum.” I want to bring
that momentum, meaning, forward thinking, empow-
erment of hope and love to as many people as I can in
every imaginable way, all over the world. Its ripple effect

With Dr. Wayne Dyer in Lourdes, France (2011)

July/August 2019
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