See Beyond – July 2019

(coco) #1
July/August 2019 47

Since we run our business from the phone and
Internet, we could work practically anywhere.
And as anyone who knows us will tell you, we are
spontaneous. I just looked at Gaye and smiled.
Moving out with nowhere to move to might seem
absurd to some, but not to me. This idea, in truth,
seemed to lead us toward a much sought-after new

We gave the idea some breathing room. Besides
a trip to Indiana to see my brother Dan and his
wife Sherry, we had no travel plans. Just a couple
of days later, the phone rang. Our good friends
Marcus and Sheila were heading out of town and
asked if we might house-sit and care for their dog.
We would be at their home in Scottsdale, Arizona
for three weeks while they went to Europe. We
also wanted to visit Bob and Nancy in Spokane,
Washington and check that area out. All of a
sudden, we were planning trips to three other
states. Our good friend Sara offered two rooms of
her townhouse in Westlake Village, California as a
home base. Clearly, the Universe was making this
possible. We sold what we could, put the rest in
storage and hit the road in July.

Our visits became surprisingly better when we had
more time. Instead of four or five days in Indiana,
we stayed longer. No one was in a hurry to get a
lot of activities in. Instead, we really talked.

Staying at Sara’s afforded us the opportunity to
unpack a little more. If we were going on ap-
pointments or traveling to a trade show, we took
just what we needed. Removing the back seats
of the PT Cruiser really helped, too. We packed
just enough clothes, our laptops and monitors,
business files and hung some coats on the rack.
The smallest suitcase was perfect for hotel stops.
The larger suitcases were accessible in the car if
we needed dressier clothes. We crammed what
we could into the available space, including our
special pillows. While driving, I had to rely on the
side mirrors and a prayer to see behind me.

If I add up all that has happened in the past twelve
months, it would include staying with our friends
in Arizona three times, spending quality time in
Indiana, traveling to Texas to see kids and grand-
kids over Christmas and New Year’s, flying up to
Washington and staying with Bob and Nancy in
October and again in January, numerous trips
back to Sara’s, our home away from home, and to
Christina’s in Long Beach, California, and Gaye’s
sisters’ homes also in Long Beach and Seattle,

Amidst all this activity, we constantly searched
for a place to live. We asked a lot of questions,
took notes, met great people and even picked up
some new clients. We attended our industry trade

We sold what we could, put the rest in storage and hit the road.

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