See Beyond – July 2019

(coco) #1
July/August 2019 5353

the trust that what we want is already ours. After
inching forward for a long time, we occasionally
experience a big change. In that awareness we shift
mentally and energetically. That’s when abundance
makes its way into our life experience.

Our brains have a physiological response to
change. Even positive change can inspire a re-
action that says: “Change is bad; I must dig in
deeper to protect my status quo.” Most people
unintentionally sabotage their process and give up
before change has a chance to take root. We call
this impatience.

Many times, when clients want to expand their
business or personal life, I give them three or four
steps to improve their circumstance. If the client
doesn’t take the steps, the conversation changes
to “Why didn’t you?” In these cases, 99.999% of
the time the reason ranges from “I don’t deserve
it” to “I’m afraid.” Add physiological resistance to
change and the ship is sunk.

We have to give ourselves time, courage and
determination to shift perceptions. When we see
things differently, our energy will change and our
outcomes will change.

#2 – Attachment to outcomes
There are moments when deadlines and timelines
are relevant. But in terms of connecting to highest
good, time is not relevant. Shifting your frequen-
cy is all that matters. This expanding awareness
process can take time. But the more we think
something has to happen on time, the more we
put stop energy into our desire.

The trick is to pay attention to the moment. Is
a perceived delay in receiving what you want
causing you to feel stupid or to consider yourself
unworthy? Is it telling you that Divine Mother

forgot your address and doesn’t care about you? If
any of this is seeping into your inner dialogue, you
are not attracting what you want. You don’t really
trust yet or truly believe you deserve it. Your ego
still dominates your mindset. Forget about out-
comes and focus on the quality of your energy.

#3 – We focus on thoughts rather than feelings
Many people believe that positive thinking and
acting happy leads to realizing abundance. It
doesn’t. It isn’t a limiting thought, belief or feeling.
The problem is believing the limiting thought, be-
lief or feeling is true. Our task is to expand beyond
that belief and learn to honor our true nature as
limitless timeless divine beings. This is the dance
of duality we do in the human experience. It’s
what we came here to master. When we learn to
identify with our intangible nature, we accept the
key that unlocks abundance.

Spiritual people often fear vulnerability. They see
that as failing. Instead, they walk around pro-
jecting a false smile, afraid to admit that darker
feelings sometimes intrude on their perception.
When we find ourselves in this predicament, the
answer is not to deny the dark feelings but to lean
into them. Address the weakness. Then we can
heal the darkness. Once we heal our response to
our life, we raise our frequency and we shift. Our
perspective changes. Our vibrations rise, and we
naturally magnetize greater levels of abundance
into our lives.

Your thoughts are things, and they do matter. Your
feelings are more potent attractors. When we live
from a position of “it’s already done,” abundance
occurs without us having to think about it. Learn
patience. Develop courage. Trust your true nature
and defer to its wisdom always. The law of attrac-
tion will begin to work for you.

Phyllis King, the Common Sense Psychic, is known for her practical and down-to-earth advice. She
has a B.A. in Sociology. A highly published author and contributor, Phyllis joins many
esteemed authors, such as Dr. Wayne Dyer, in a collection of essays titled Bouncing
Back—Thriving in Changing Times. She has also written Impressions: Simple Truths
for Practicing Abundant Thinking, A Psychic Perspective: Insights on Love, Wealth
and Personal Happiness, The heart of the Matter: A Journey to Wholeness, and most
recently The Energy of Abundance: Practical Advice and Spiritual Wisdom to Achieve
Anything You Want in Life. Listen to Phyllis live on Contact Talk Radio, Fridays at
noon, PST. Her web address is
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