See Beyond – July 2019

(coco) #1
Nelida Dotan was born in
Romania and lived there
more than half her life.
She was raised in a family
that loved books, the arts
and laughter. She earned
an MA in Geology in Bu-
charest where she also de-
veloped a love for theater,
museums, art galleries
and opera. In 1995, Nelida
and her family immigrated to the US. She learned
English, attended school and started a new career.
Nelida enjoys being a wife and mother and work-
ing as an oncology nurse adviser. She credits her
patients for teaching her to make each day mean-
ingful. While traveling, Nelida discovered the mag-
nificence of photography and considers her work an
invitation to experience the untainted beauty of this
world through her eyes.

Montreal overview

The Quebec County Hospital

The Fontenac Chateau

The Montreal Court

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