Daily Mail - 07.08.2019

(Barré) #1

Daily Mail, Wednesday, August 7, 2019 Page 31

Now half of

homes are

paying for

TV streaming

NEARLY half of households now
subscribe to a TV streaming
service, Ofcom has said.
The number signed up to paid-
for services, including Netflix,
Amazon Prime Video and Now
TV, rose from 11.2million (39 per
cent) last year to 13.3million (47
per cent) in 2019.
Traditional viewing still
accounts for most TV time
(three hours and 12 minutes a
day) – although this is down 50
minutes on 2010, the watchdog
found. But daily streaming rose
by seven minutes last year to 26
minutes. Young people, who
spend an hour a day on YouTube,
are leading this shift in habits.
And 38 per cent of online
viewers can imagine not watch-
ing traditional TV at all in five
years’ time, the survey found.
Yih-Choung Teh, from Ofcom,
said: ‘The way we watch TV is
changing faster than ever
before. In the space of seven
years, streaming services have
grown from nothing to reach
nearly half of British homes.’
n The number of UK subscribers
to the US streaming service
Netflix has overtaken BBC
iPlayer users for the first time –
boasting 11.47million compared
with 10.42million, analysts
Broadcast Intelligence found.

By Sean Poulter
Consumer Affairs Editor

Mother of all wars

Firepower: Defence minister Amir Hatami, left, unveils one of Iran’s new guided missiles yesterday

Mail Foreign Service

Iran warned of the ‘mother of all
wars’ yesterday, hours after Brit-
ain and the United States
announced an alliance to protect
shipping in the Persian Gulf.
In a speech on state TV, president
Hassan rouhani warned once again
that he could not guarantee the safety
of tankers in the Strait of Hormuz.
The country’s defence minister then
unveiled three new guided missiles, say-
ing they showed the regime could defend

Iran unveils new

missiles and

warns West it’s

ready to fight

itself against Western ‘viciousness
and conspiracies’.
relations have been strained
since last year when the US pulled
out of an international agreement
that curbed Iran’s nuclear pro-
gramme in return for an easing of
economic sanctions.
and, after UK special forces in
Gibraltar seized an Iranian tanker
with a cargo bound for Syria, rev-
olutionary Guards responded by
boarding a British-flagged tanker
in the Gulf. London has said it will

work with Washington in a ‘new
international maritime security
mission’ to protect merchant ship-
ping in the strait.
But Mr rouhani countered: ‘a
strait for a strait. It can’t be that
the Strait of Hormuz is free for you
and the Strait of Gibraltar is not
free for us.
‘Peace with Iran is the mother of
all peace, war with Iran is the
mother of all wars.
‘The Islamic republic of Iran

favours talks and negotiations
and, if the US really wants to talk,
before anything else it should lift
all sanctions.’
He said that Iran must as a mini-
mum be allowed to export oil,
accusing Washington of ‘economic
terrorism’ for blocking imports of
food and medicine.
Defence minister amir Hatami
hailed the launch of the new mis-
siles as ‘a significant achievement
of power and dignity’ faced with

the ‘Great Satan america’. a fifth
of the world’s oil traffic passes
through the Strait of Hormuz.
revolutionary Guards seized an
Iraqi oil tanker in the Gulf last
week, which they claimed was
smuggling fuel.
Stena Bulk, which owns the
detained UK-flagged vessel Stena
Impero, said the situation was
‘unacceptable and unjustifiable’.
The vessel’s 23 crew are Indian,
russian, Latvian and Filipino.


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