Daily Mail - 07.08.2019

(Barré) #1
Page 52 QQQ Daily Mail, Wednesday, August 7, 2019

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‘ANYTHING you can do, I can
do better, I can do anything
better than you,’ goes the
song in Annie Get Your Gun.
It’s not firepower I want to
focus on, but the copycat
nature of Venus and the Sun’s
relationship. Today, the Sun

forms a supportive link with
Jupiter, which will soon move
forwards again; while Venus
repeats this alignment
tomorrow. These planets
are working together. And
Jupiter will show us just
how far they can take us!





ONE reason we
came to planet
Earth was to learn about acceptance.
Fortunately, you were issued with an order
of exemption which enables you to jump
queues, skip lessons and receive first choice
at everything, wherever you go. OK...
perhaps it’s not quite that easy! But you’ve
certainly become used to a certain level of
prestige. There are times, though, when
that star quality seems elusive. Hang on
in there today. Everything will soon be
back up and running as normal again.
Creative, inspiring times lie ahead.
Make the most of this week’s astrological
opportunities. Call 0906 751 5601.

even though
we’d like to remain calm, situations irritate
us in such a way that we can’t help but show
our annoyance. As the Sun links to Jupiter
today, you may be able to understand
why something has been getting the better
of you. You’ve been feeling provoked into
an emotional response which is making
you feel uncomfortable. Once you gain
understanding of why you’re responding in
this way, you’ll be able to distance yourself
from the source of provocation. Then you
can relax. Maximise your luck as the
planets make creative alignments. Make
it a week to remember. Call 0906 751 5602.

HOW do
you rate
your intuitive powers? While they might
not be 100 per cent accurate, they’re much
more reliable than you give them credit
for. In hindsight, a mistake has assumed
gigantic proportions and dwarfed the
many successes you’ve recently enjoyed.
It’s a matter of perception rather than
reality. Today, the cosmos is acting as a
conduit through which your wisest self can
express knowledge and advice. Feel free to
question it, of course — but, whatever you
do, don’t ignore it. there’s excitement in
the skies in a week of celestial action.
Make great decisions! Call 0906 751 5603.

need for
you to put yourself into a more comfortable
position. Although part of you feels at home in
your current circumstances, another aspect
of your life is keeping you on tenterhooks. The
more you worry about a potential change
occurring, the less able you are to relax and

enjoy what’s actually happening. Yet
the reasons for your nervousness are
abstract. The problems exist only in your
imagination. The troubles you’re anticipating
are part of your past — don’t expect them
now. Creative, inspiring times lie ahead.
Make the most of this week’s astrological
opportunities. Call 0906 751 5604.
SOMEONE is looking
out for you. They’ve
singled you out for special attention. What
have you done to deserve this? Ah! That’s
the usual question that we mortals ask.
The celestial helpers don’t need to trouble
themselves with doubts and justifications,
and we don’t need to know why they
do their job; we just need to trust that
they’re doing it. Venus remains in your
sign and links to the Sun tomorrow.
Let your day be filled with reasons to
celebrate — and there will be many
to do just that. Maximise your luck as the
planets make creative alignments. Make it
a week to remember. Call 0906 751 5605.
that there are
(and always will be) reasons to worry and
fret. So why is that? Well, perhaps we can
worry because we can hope. The universe
is abundant and bountiful — there is enough
of everything to go around. It is also a place
of fairness and equilibrium, so that we all
share in the concerns and tensions as well
as in the hopes and the answers. The
most important gift it can give us is free
will. We always have a choice. What will
you choose today? To count your worries
or your blessings? there’s excitement in
the skies in a week of celestial action.
Make great decisions! Call 0906 751 5606.

seems to have
taken a turn for the ridiculous. But who
gets to decide what is and isn’t absurd?
We might think we understand how things
‘should’ be. But are we ever doing more
than emulating the voices of other, more
sensible individuals? Sometimes, what
seems crazy in the moment turns out
to have been the only sensible option all
along. By the same logic, the Sun’s link to
Jupiter highlights a brilliant answer which
has been right under your nose the whole
time. Creative, inspiring times lie ahead.
Make the most of this week’s astrological
opportunities. Call 0906 751 5607.
what you
think about current events and the state of
the world today, you don’t have to look far
to find all sorts of people who think that
poor decisions are being made and wrong
priorities are being pursued. ‘They should
never have done that.’ ‘That was a step too
far.’ Of course, everyone always thinks that
they’re doing the right thing. Today, as the
Sun and Jupiter link, you’d be wise to keep
away from strongly voiced opinions. If
you seek harmony, you’ll help to create
happiness. Maximise your luck as the
planets make creative alignments. Make it
a week to remember. Call 0906 751 5608.
normal to just carry on doing what we’ve
been shown and taught, or what we’ve
found out through trial and error. We don’t
even think about it; we just rely on past
experience. Yet, although this unconscious
way of living is good enough, it deprives us

of the opportunity to discover new aspects
of ourselves. You don’t need to play it safe
today. As the Sun and Jupiter link, you can
be at your most inventive and creative best.
Rather than playing by the book, you can
rewrite it! there’s excitement in the
skies in a week of celestial action. Make
great decisions! Call 0906 751 5609.
times when the cosmos gives, and others
when it takes. But it’s not always clear what
our job is during all of this giving and taking.
Are we meant just to sit around and worry
about what we might be about to have to
give up? Or wonder what we dare hope to
receive? Wouldn’t it be more empowering if
we saw ourselves as an integral part of the
cosmos itself, with the power to choose
whether to give or to take? The truth, is that
the more you give, the more you receive
today. Creative, inspiring times lie ahead.
Make the most of this week’s astrological
opportunities. Call 0906 751 5610.
it feels
as though the nerves and synapses that
connect our tongues to our brains aren’t
working quite as well as they could be.
We can be thinking one thing one moment
and, barely a second later, something
entirely unrelated — or even contradictory
— comes flying out of our mouths. It’s no
wonder that we’ve learnt to read subtle,
non-verbal clues and cues; they’re often
more indicative of people’s real thoughts,
emotions and intentions. Keep that in
mind, today. Maximise your luck as the
planets make creative alignments. Make it
a week to remember. Call 0906 751 5611.
WHAT if you
mess up? What
if things don’t go your way? What if you
miss your golden opportunity? Victory is
only a near certainty when you set out to
achieve something simple and unambitious.
But you’ve set your sights high. While
you should be commended for that, it
does make things more risky. You may
have to make a sacrifice. You may struggle
in your first attempt. But nothing is ever
impossible. As the Sun and Jupiter link,
you can take steps towards making a
dream a reality. there’s excitement in the
skies in a week of celestial action. Make
great decisions! Call 0906 751 5612.

TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21

CANCER June 23 - July 23

LEO July 24 - Aug 23

VIRGO Aug 24 - Sep 23

LIBRA Sep 24 - Oct 23

SCORPIO Oct 24 - Nov 22

SAGITTARIUS Nov 23 - Dec 21

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20

AQUARIUS Jan 21 - Feb 19

PISCES Feb 20 - Mar 20

GEMINI May 22 - June 22

ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 20

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Chloe & Co: Has Anyone Seen My Love Life? by Gray Joliffe is published by Amberley Publishing, priced £9.99. Order at http://www.mailbookshop.co.uk or
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To order the Fred Basset Yearbook 2019, £8.99, or The Best of Fred Basset, £14.99, visit http://www.mailbookshop.co.uk or call 0844 571 0640.

Odd Streak ‘Striving For Quantity’ ebook, available for £3.99. Email [email protected] to purchase.



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