28 British Patchwork & Quilting JULY 2019
PROJECT // scrappy go-lucky log cabin
Cut across width of fabric
- From black cut:
six, 1½" strips – inner border
seven, 2½" strips – binding. - From white cut:
six, 1½" strips – inner border,
seven, 1¼" strips – outer border.
Use ¼" seam allowance throughout
- Make one block at a time. The idea is
to be as random as possible with your
fabric choice as you stitch.
2a. From black cut one, 2½" square.
Your measurements don’t need to be
exact. Just ensure the centre square is
no bigger than this size.
b. Pull out one scrap strip at random
and join it to one edge of centre, dia. 1a.
c. Press seam.
d. Trim strip to fit and then place
leftover strip back with remaining scrap
strips, dia. 1b.
3a. Take another strip at random and
join strip to adjacent side of square.
b. Press and trim as before, dia. 1c.
4a. Repeat to add two more strips to
remaining sides of square to complete
first round of strips, dia. 1d and dia. 1e.
b. Note final strip of round will span two
5a. Continue adding strips in similar
manner until you have completed three
rounds of strips. Don’t worry about
colours matching or clashing.
b. Ideally block sides should measure at
least 8", dia. 1f.
6a. Repeat to make twenty blocks in
b. Note blocks will all be different sizes
and unlikely to be exactly square.
c. Most of Chris’ blocks varied from 8" on
the shortest side to approx. 10" on their
longest sides.
7a. Cut 3" strips from black or white
and add to each block in similar
manner, Log Cabin style.
b. Join black strips to ten blocks and
white strips to remaining ten blocks,
dia. 2a.
8a. Take 12½" square ruler and place
ruler on top of one block.
b. Make a 12½" square template from
thick card if you don’t have a square
c. Move ruler around until happy with
the angles of the block you will create,
ensuring there is sufficient black or
white fabric on all four sides.
d. Cut around square, taking care to
turn everything so that you are always
cutting away from yourself, dia. 2b.
- Cut all one colour squares with ruler
angled from left to right, and second
colour with ruler angled right to left,
illust. 1a and illust. 1b.
Inner borders
1a. Arrange blocks into five rows of four
blocks, alternating blocks.
b. Join blocks together in rows.
c. Press seams for alternate rows in
opposite direction.
d. Join rows together to complete quilt
2a. Take two, 1½" white strips and join
strips together end to end.
b. Press seam open.
c. Measure quilt top vertically down
centre and trim joined strips to this
d. Add strip to one side of quilt centre.
e. Make second strip in same way and
add to opposite side of quilt top.
- Measure quilt top horizontally across
centre and make top and bottom inner
borders from 1½" white strips in similar
manner. - Add second inner border using 1½"
black strips in same way.
Piano key border
- Measure quilt down its centre. This
measurement will be length of pieced
strips needed for side borders.
2a. Cut numerous strips from remaining
scraps 4½" long.
b. Join strips together in pairs along their
length and then join pairs together.
c. If wished, add a black strip at one end
of strip set.
3a. Continue joining strips together until
pieced strip measures length of quilt.
b. Adding one, 1½" x 4½" black strip at
each end of pieced strip creates a nice
frame for quilt as a whole.
c. If necessary trim or add wider strips of
scraps to ensure strip measures correct
d. Make a second strip in same way. - Join strips to opposite sides of quilt.
- Make top and bottom borders
in similar manner, measuring quilt
top horizontally through its centre
to determine length of pieced strips
needed. - Take 1¼" white strips and join strips
as for inner borders to add a final white
border to quilt top.
1a. Make quilt sandwich with quilt top,
wadding and backing.
b. Pin or baste layers.
- Quilt as desired. Chris quilted in the
ditch around each Log Cabin block and
then quilted a freehand spiral, adding
linked spirals in the borders. - Double bind edges with 2½" black
strips. - Add label.
Don’t worry if you find black or
white strips are too narrow to
get the angle you want. Just add
another narrow strip of same colour
to block to enable you to do so.
T f
e g.
To see more of Chris’ work visit her
illust. 1. Complete blocks
a. Black bordered block b. White block