36 British Patchwork & Quilting JULY 2019
PROJECT // giraff e scooter bag
- From orange spot cut:
one, 8" square,
one, 6" x 8" rectangle,
one, 3" x 7" rectangle,
two, 3" squares. - From pale blue cut:
two, 3" x 11½" rectangles. - From lining cut:
one, 8" square,
one, 6" x 8" rectangle,
one, 1½" x 8" rectangle. - From waistband stiffener cut:
two, 13½" lengths,
one, 6½" length. - From wadding cut:
one, 8" square,
one, 6" x 8" rectangle.
Use ¼" seam allowance throughout
1a. Follow manufacturer’s instructions
and iron 6½" length of perforated
waistband stiffener onto wrong side of
3" x 7" orange spot rectangle.
b. Fold under ¼" at each short end.
c. Fold and press along perforations and
topstitch around all four edges.
2a. Cut 1" length from Velcro and stitch
‘loop’ half onto one end of strap, dia. 1a.
b. Turn strap over and stitch ‘hook’ half of
Velcro onto opposite end of strap, dia. 1b.
Giraffe horn straps
1a. Take one, 3" orange spot square and
join it to end of one, 3" x 11½" pale blue
b. Iron one, 13½" length of waistband
stiffener to wrong side of pieced strip.
c. Turn under ¼" on end of pale blue
rectangle before folding and pressing
along perforations.
d. Topstitch around edges, illust. 1a.
2a. Trace templates B and C given full
size on Pattern Sheet onto template
plastic and cut out carefully on lines.
b. Draw around template B on wrong
side of dark brown scrap and cut out
on line.
c. Draw around template C on card and
cut out.
d. Use template C to cut one circle from
3a. Take dark brown circle and with
wrong side uppermost, turn edge of
circle in by ¼" and run line of running
stitches around edge of circle, dia. 2.
b. Place wadding circle followed by
cardboard circle onto fabric circle and
gently pull thread to gather circle up
around card circle.
c. Press circle.
d. Carefully remove cardboard circle and
secure thread.
e. Place circle over seam on strap and
stitch Suffolk Puff circle to strap, illust. 1b.
- Cut 1" length from Velcro and attach
loop piece to underside of strap at blue
end, illust. 1c. - Repeat to make second strap in same
way. Re-use cardboard circle.
1a. Trace both outer ear templates
given full size on Pattern Sheet onto
orange spot.
b. Cut out on lines.
2a. Trace both outer ear templates onto
tracing paper.
b. Turn tracing over and redraw over
lines with marker pen.
c. Trace reversed templates onto orange
spot and cut out on lines.
3a. Trace both inner ear templates given
full size on Pattern Sheet onto paper side
of fusible web and cut out roughly.
b. Follow manufacturer’s instructions
and iron fusible web pieces to wrong
side of dark brown scrap.
c. Cut out carefully on lines.
4a. Fuse each inner ear to one outer ear
b. Using small zigzag stitch, appliqué raw
edges of inner ear piece, illust. 2.
5a. Place two outer ear pieces right
sides together and stitch around edges
leaving flat ends unstitched.
b. Clip curves and trim corners before
turning ears right side out.
c. Flatten and then topstitch approx.^1 ⁄ 8 "
around edges of each ear.
illust. 1. Straps
a. Topstitch edges of straps c. Add loop Velcro
b. Attach Suff olk Puff to strap
dia. 1. Back strap
a. Stitch loop Velcro to one end of strap
b. Attach hook Velcro to opposite end and
side of strap
dia. 2. Stitch running stitch around edge
of circle
dia. 3. Position ears
dia. 4. Mark positions for curved corners