PROJECT // giraff e scooter bag
Bag flap
1a. Trace template A given full size on
Pattern Sheet twice onto orange.
b. Cut out on lines.
2a. Trace eye, eyeball and eyelid
templates given full size on Pattern Sheet
twice each onto paper side of fusible
web and cut out roughly.
b. Iron eye onto wrong side of white
scrap, eyeball onto wrong side of dark
brown scrap and eyelid onto wrong side
of orange.
c. Cut out pieces carefully on lines.
3a. Referring to template A, fuse white
eye, followed by brown eyeball and then
yellow eyelid onto one, orange template
A piece.
b. Appliqué raw edges with narrow satin
c. Add eyelashes by stitching with
straight stitch, illust. 3.
- Place ears onto orange piece, right
sides down and tack in position, dia. 3.
5a. Trace template A onto template
plastic and cut out on lines.
b. Use template to cut one, template A
from wadding.
6a. Place second orange template A on
top of wadding template A.
b. Position two, ½" lengths of hook
Velcro 2½" down from top edge and ½"
in from side edges.
c. Add a third piece of hook Velcro at
centre of curved edge, illust. 4.
d. Stitch Velcro pieces in position,
stitching through fabric and wadding
7a. Place orange template A pieces right
sides together and stitch around outside
b. Ensure ears are enclosed and leave
top straight edge unstitched.
c. Clip curved edge and trim corners
before turning right side out.
d. Topstitch, or quilt around stitched
edges, illust. 5.
1a. Take 8" orange spot square and
make a mark 1½" from bottom corners
along side and bottom edges, dia. 4.
b. Position a 6" plate or other circle on
square so that curved edge aligns with
marks and draw around plate to create
curved corner.
c. Repeat with both bottom corners.
- Lay fabric on top of 8" wadding
square and trim wadding to create
curved edges on wadding piece.
3a. Ensuring it is centred, mark position
for attaching back strap 4" down from
top edge.
b. Mark and position 1" pieces of hook
Velcro 1" down from top edge and 1¾"
in from each side.
c. Stitch back strap and pieces of Velcro
in place, stitching through fabric and
wadding, illust. 6.
4a. Take 6" x 8" orange spot rectangle
and create curved bottom edges using
marks and plate as before.
b. Trace shape of mouth on rectangle.
c. Trace nostrils and teeth given full
size on Pattern Sheet onto paper side of
fusible web and cut out roughly.
d. Iron nostrils onto wrong side of
brown and teeth onto wrong side of
white scraps.
e. Cut out carefully on lines.
f. Fuse web pieces in position on
rectangle, illust. 7.
illust. 2. Appliqué inner ears illust. 5. Topstitch or quilt edges
illust. 6. Add back strap to back illust. 7. Bag front detail
illust. 3. Add eyelashes illust. 4. Add Velcro to bag fl ap