60 British Patchwork & Quilting JULY 2019
PROJECT // down on the croft
Cut across width of fabric
- From assorted fabrics cut
total of:
thirty four, 3½" squares,
twelve, 2½" x 3½" rectangles. - From Daffodil Bloom cut:
two, 4" strips sub cut into:
twelve, 4" squares,
one, 6½" x 15½" rectangle. - From Cotton Candy Clover cut:
two, 4" squares. - From Crimson Bouquet cut:
two, 4" squares. - From French Rose Square Dot cut:
two, 4" squares. - From Eucalyptus Pennant cut:
two, 4" squares. - From Asparagus Pennant cut:
two, 4" squares. - From Carrot Cake Arrow cut:
two, 4" squares.
Use ¼" seam allowance throughout
1a. Take seventeen, 3½" squares cut
from assorted prints and join squares
together to make one long row.
b. Press seams open.
2a. Make a second strip of seventeen,
3½" squares in similar manner.
b. Set strips to one side.
3a. Take two, 4" Daffodil Bloom squares
and draw diagonal line on wrong side of
each square.
b. Place squares right sides together
with two, 4" print squares, illust. 1a.
c. Stitch ¼" seam each side of diagonal
line, illust. 1b.
d. Cut squares in half along drawn line,
illust. 1c.
e. Open out each unit and press seam
towards darker fabric, illust. 1d.
4a. Using square ruler and aligning
diagonal line on ruler with diagonal seam,
trim units so they measure 3½" square.
b. Squares will yield two, Half Square
Triangle (HST) units.
- Make two further HST units using same
6a. Arrange units into two rows of two
b. Note units are rotated to create
pinwheel effect, illust. 2a.
c. Join units together in rows and then
join rows together to complete block,
illust. 2b and illust. 2c.
d. Take care to match seams at centre.
e. Pinwheel block should measure 6½"
illust. 1. HST units
a. Draw diagonal line on wrong side of one
c. Cut squares in half along drawn line
b. Stitch ¼" seam on each side of line
d. Press HST units open
b. Join in pairs
a. Arrange units
c. Complete block
illust. 2. Pinwheel blocks