Diver UK – August 2019

(C. Jardin) #1

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and river-keepers to be my eyes and ears
and let me know when certain species
turned up. Often I would leave home at a
moment’s notice in the vain hope of seeing
a fish few other people had even heard of!
I travelled from Cornwall to Northern
Scotland and just about everywhere in-
between. When I first started on the
project I couldn’t drive, so I had to catch
a train or beg for lifts with all my
While pursuing my object I’ve
dislocated my arm, become ill from
contact with river water and cut the end of
my finger off while chasing after vendace,
one of our rarest fish.
It wasn’t a monster pike that had my
digit, rather me adjusting my camera with
a pen-knife that slipped.
I’ve worked in all weather conditions,

Above: A perch in the River
Tre n t.

Above right: Large pike in a

Left: Twaite shad in the
River Severn.

Below: Jack Perks’ favourite
freshwater fish – the
impressive grayling,
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