
(Nancy Kaufman) #1

A clean grill means less sticking

It’s always a good idea
to start with thoroughly
cleaned and oiled grill
grates. That way, there’s
no flavor transfer from
the last thing you grilled,
and foods are less likely
to stick to the grates. To
clean the grates, heat
them first to soften the
stuck-on gunk and then
scrub them with a stiff
wire grill brush. Next,
fold a paper towel into
a little pad, grasp it with

long-handled tongs, and
dip it in some cooking oil.
Quickly swab the grates
with the towel, clean-
ing and oiling them at
the same time. Repeat
this step until the grates
seem clean, and then
cover the grill briefly
to let it heat up again.
If you’re grilling some-
thing that tends to stick,
like fish, give the grates
another swipe of oil just
before the food goes on.


How to make a better burger

Grilled burgers, like the Herbed Aïoli Burgers on p. 57, tend to
bulge in the center as they cook because their edges contract
from the heat, leaving the center nowhere to go but up. They
often look misshapen and cook up smaller than the bun, and the
thicker center takes much longer to cook than the edges, which
can become well done and dry in the meantime. Rather than flat-
tening the burgers with a spatula, which presses out all their lovely
juice, try forming your burgers a little differently. Begin by making
a flat patty that’s ½ to 1 inch wider than the bun, since shrinkage
is inevitable. Next, make an indentation in the middle of the patty
with several fingers so that the top is concave. This way, when the
center bulges, it will end up being about the same thickness as the
edges and the burger will cook more evenly.



Black garlic purée

A purée of black garlic is used to flavor a yogurt dipping
sauce that pairs with Charred Octopus on p. 50. (The
garlic’s color and deep molasseslike flavor result from a
2- to 3-week fermentation process.) While chefs make
their own, we found a jarred purée that was quite tasty
(see Sources, p. 93). Beyond the yogurt sauce, a little
would add depth to a soup or stew.
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