2019-03-01 Exhibit

(Nora) #1

34 I I MAR 19

doctor at Your beck

Every year thousands of people
die in road accidents, and the
major reason is not getting
proper medical attention on time.
Researchers at the University of
Michigan International Center for
Automotive Medicine are fostering
collaboration between medical
disciplines and auto engineering
to prevent injuries and improve
care. There are systems in your
car that can call for help at the
time of an accident, but soon there
might be a provision of intimating
paramedics about the probable
injuries, supposed blood loss
and other relevant details before
arriving at the accident scene. This
innovation might help in saving
many lives in future.

hanGover-Free booze

Getting high is great fun but
hangovers are insanely annoying,
and they are the worst part of
getting drunk. Wouldn’t it be great
if you could drink a lot and get up
normally the next morning without
any hangover? Guess, someone is
listening to your wish and making
something to prevent you from it,
but you might have to wait a little
longer for it. According to its creator
and The Imperial College Professor
David Nutt, the synthetic alcohol
known as ‘alcosynth’, is designed
to mimic the positive effects of
alcohol but doesn’t cause a dry
mouth, nausea and a throbbing
headache. Once it’s there, we all
can party harder!

GeneratinG cLotheS

Researchers from Wake Forest’s
Center for Nanotechnology and
Molecular Materials, recently
announced that they have
manufactured a material that
can generate electricity using
your body heat. Power Felt is a
thermoelectric material that uses
a temperature difference between
both of its sides to generate
electricity. It can be used to
line your t-shirt, a pillowcase or
office chair and can efficiently
charge mp3 players, cell phones,
and power medical monitoring
equipment as of now.

erGoSenSor monitor

A more extensive section of
people works on screen for
really long hours which in the
long run, is harmful. In fact, in
the coming years, our screen
dependency would only increase.
The ErgoSensorMonitor by Philips
sounds like a relief as it aims to
improve posture will be a welcome
advance to some and a niggling
reminder to others. The 24-inch
desktop has built-in sensors to track
the distance between the monitor
and the pupils, the angle of the
user’s neck and detects a lousy
sitting posture and alerts the user
through a Webcam-like display.
It also reminds you to give rest to
your eyes if you have been working
for long. Hence, this anti-slouch
screen is a must-needed invention
in today’s world.

From inventing aeroplanes to
vaccinations, computers to phones
and cell phones, technology, in
the most perceptible manner,
have changed our lives and will
continue to do so in future in
unthinkable ways. Whenever any
new technology comes, we embrace
it with open arms. Sooner than we
think, we become accustomed to
them in a way that life becomes
unimaginable without them whether
it be Televisions, internet, laptops,
tablets, ACs etc. Yet we often
debate whether the developments
that lately took place in our lifestyle
are a blessing to mankind or a
curse. Technology mostly provides
impactful solutions to some of our
most pressing problems. These
upcoming inventions sound mostly
sustainable and very exciting so you
can expect some thrill coming your
way in a couple of years.

automated carS

Although, we are almost there
but still awaiting a complete
driver-less car to be on the
roads. Many automobile and
tech companies are in a race to
make fully-automated self-driven
cars. Sensors, AI, GPS tracking
and the real-time data will play
pivotal role in this technology.
The real-time data will help it
navigate and self-route the car
while the sensors and camera
would provide other crucial
details like traffic condition, the
distance between the vehicles
etc. This does sound a little scary,
what happens to the real-time
data if the internet goes down,
just wondering?

robotic petS

Very soon we will find robots around
us as a part and parcel of life,
but the invention of robopets is a
little unique. There are numerous
reasons why petting is good for us
like health benefits, emotional
and mental advantages but there
are also a lot of situations where
we can’t really afford to keep a real
pet. These robotic pets will have
“smart fur” that is being worked on
by researchers from the University
of British Columbia which will have
sensors allowing them to imitate
animals like cats, dogs and their
reactions. Now no need to worry
or be extra careful like you had to
be with the real pets. But we
wonder if they could be as cuddly as
the real ones!
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