2019-03-01 Exhibit

(Nora) #1
42 I I MAR 19




make Sure to prep up
Your tomorrow, todaY

Well, there is no stereotype way to follow,
but the one thing that works for all is,
creating a routine of a day in advance so
that you don’t end up being confused or
clueless at work. We can’t predict tomorrow
but we can always prepare ourselves for
what might come and be alert. Scheduling
and prioritising your work in advance helps
you to seize the day. A day has 24 hours,
and for a leader, they aren’t enough!

pro tip: While making your schedule, try
to start the day with the most difficult task as
this would make the remaining day easy and
besides you are all ready to take
on the toughest challenges.

StaY heaLthY, both
mentaLLY and

A leader is the foundation of a
business, and without a sturdy
foundation, the strongest buildings
can fall, so why take a risk with your
health? A healthy body and a healthy
mind can release your stress while
keeping you active all day long and is
extremely important if you are looking
at a long term prospect. That’s
why you can’t miss out on exercise,
meditation and healthy food routine.
Besides, taking some time out for
yourself keeps you happy
and focused.

pro tip: Workout with some
positive thoughts or songs because
positivity keeps you going!

Harsha Prerna


he start-up culture
is at an all-time
high, and we see
entrepreneurs rising
like demigods.
We just love the
whole start-up vibe.
However, being an entrepreneur
is much more than just being
a smart-ass. Success comes to
those who dare and are capable
of handling it. Unfortunately,
there is no success formula that
guarantees prosperity, but a
few lifestyle modifications will
surely help you go a long way.
As for being an entrepreneur
is concerned, one needs to
take into account that you are
embracing struggle.

If your life is about that hit of
adrenaline, we bet there is a
positive career ahead of you. Just
in case you are willing to head
in this direction, you should be
aware of a success regime that
most of the modern and lucrative
entrepreneurs swear by. Let us
take you through tried and tested
drill that is followed by the
leading entrepreneurs:
Free download pdf