2019-03-01 Exhibit

(Nora) #1
6 I I MAR 19

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MAR 2019

We may call ourselves modern,
but when it comes to getting
opportunities, shamefully gender
plays an important role. Let’s
understand what feminism
really means.>> 80
SonGS For
Summer roadtrip:
Road Trips without a music
playlist are seriously no fun!
Going on a summer road trip
with your loved ones?
Check out our classic
music playlist. >> 94
thoughts, our Editors came up
with imaginative ideas for a
perfect Gizmo. >> 82
the LeadinG LadieS
From world leaders to celebrities
to corporate head honchos to
media moguls, these notable
women have had what it takes
to run the world- and
the universe >> 76
the idea oF a
modern FeminiSt
radically reshape and improve
our lives in the next couple
of years. >> 30
mobiLe worLd
We bring you the best of what
was shown at this year’s Mobile
World Congress all the way from
Barcelona >> 23
mY ideaS For a
perFect Gizmo!:
Don’t we want something more
from our Gizmos? To fuel your
car review - ranGe
rover evoQue
Experiencing the scintillating
Range Rover Evoque Convertible
can be so enthralling that
you’d never run out of steam
driving it! >> 50
ideaS For a better
Let’s take a look at some
promising technological
innovations that are expected to

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