2019-03-01 Exhibit

(Nora) #1

76 I I MAR 19

on-Screen FinGerprint

Remember back in the Symbian-era, there
was a popular fake fingerprint scanner app
that actually uses vibration and it was the best
way to show-off among your friends. Then in
2013, Apple came up with an iPhone 5s with
a fingerprint scanner, since then numerous
other brands added fingerprint scanner onto
their phones based in Android. While some
prefer fingerprint scanner at the front, some
brand's added fingerprint scanner at the
back. Only a handful of manufacturers like
Sony, NextBit Robin placed on the unusual
lock screen button. Last year, Vivo at CES
showcased their concept smartphone which
has a fingerprint scanner embedded into the
display, the bottom 50 percent of the display
is a fingerprint scanning area. While this
technology is available to other manufacturers,
and soon after they placed fingerprint scanner
into the display. Though the on-screen
fingerprint scanner is not that fast compared
to the traditional fingerprint sensor, it has been
improved a lot with continuous Research and
Development. Recently, Samsung introduced a
new ultrasonic fingerprint sensor which could
detect the finger even when the display had
smudges or was wet.

Smartphones are getting
powerful and it can now
compete with a laptop, but
due to the small and compact
display, working on a phone is
a difficult task. While the phone
has already replaced a lot of
gadgets, it was time to eliminate
desktop computing. Back in
2015, Microsoft launched its
Lumia smartphone that offered
the desktop when connected to
a dock. The dock is connected
with a display, keyboard and a

This one is specific to Apple,
Apple wanted to make a
smartphone that offers
complete bezel-less display
and without removing the
fingerprint scanner (Touch ID),
it was impossible. Either they
had to move the touch ID to
the rear or add the fingerprint
scanner below the display
(which was not available at the
time of R&D). Touch ID made
the iPhone the most secure
smartphone, and Apple could

Face id removed touch id

not easily eliminate it without
any possible replacement.
With the launch of Apple’s
iPhone X, Apple finally puts
an end to touch ID and
introduced the Face ID which
Apple claims it to be more
secure than the Touch ID. They
used multiple sensors to 3D
scan the face and recognize
the owner. It worked and all
upcoming iPhone’s including
iPad now offer Face ID instead
of Touch ID.

mouse. Once the phone was
connected to the dock, the
smartphone acted as a CPU
and offers as a full-fledged
Windows desktop operating
system. Samsung and Honor
also came up with their own
desktop operating system
based on the Android operating
system. This made the user’s
life easy to just carry the phone
and all the data and credentials
stored in it and the user could
work anywhere in the world.

phone aS Your pc

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