8 I I MAR 19
ebruary just flew by! Don’t you agree?
This February, seemed like a tumble
of days, with a lot of quiet ones in
there, mixed together with some pretty
amazing highlights. With 28 days, it’s also
the shortest month which hosts “Mobile World
Congress” every year in Barcelona. This
year, again hundreds of telecom executives,
analysts and gadget gawkers flocked to the
vibrant city. The theme of this year’s MWC
was “Intelligent Connectivity.” Well, is there
any other kind?
If you thought, there was a lot of 5G hype
last year, now, its at the peak and carriers are
starting to roll out higher-speed 5G networks
around the world in 2019. So, nearly every
other brand is racing to position themselves
as a leader in adopting the technology.
Along with 5G, AI-powered Smartphones and
Foldable Phones will be big this year. To get
one, be prepared to open something else that
folds –your wallet-because these innovations
are not going to be cheap.
So, spring has sprung, and we are waiting
for the sultry summer. We have got our own
version of perfect gadgets, which will shake
and inject some fresh brewing ideas into your
life. March is a month which has a dedicated
day on Women Empowerment, it’s time that
we give some credit to the leading ladies who
have been marching ahead and leaving
men behind.
There has been surgical strikes of different
kind from Xiaomi, Oppo, Realme and
Samsung with it’s S10 and M Series along
with Mahindra XUV300, Lamborghini
Huracan EVO, Honda CB300R and the
Brawny Ford Endeavour and many more
which has kept my team busy in riding, driving
and checking these out.
These stories and more are here to coax you
back into the light. On a parting note, the Air
Strike where our ageing MiG-21 took down
the F16 and Wing Commander Abhinandan
has become our true hero. This just
speaks highly of men & women driving the
companies forward. It’s not the companies
or the products which matter so much, but
the leadership & acumen of the Commander
sitting in the cockpit, who gets to decide, how
high the flight will fly, when to pivot and when
to eject.
Peace, love and a slew of sunny days!
rameSh Somani
Founder, Publisher
& Chief Editor
SprinG haS SprunG,
and we are waitinG
For the SuLtrY
Summer. we have
Got our own
verSion oF perFect
GadGetS, which
wiLL Shake and
inject Some FreSh
brewinG ideaS into
Your LiFe.