82 I I MAR 19
THe idea Of
he is smart, she is beautiful, she
is strong, she is a giver, and she
is a creator, she is a WOMAN!
Sadly, she needs to prove her worth every
time and she has been fighting for her
identity for centuries. She doesn’t want
a higher status in society but she often
questions, why is she looked down upon
as compared to her male counterparts?
It’s been years now that women are facing
denials for fundamental matters like
education, work, pay, just to name a few.
The discussion for the rights of women
is not new but “feminism” has certainly
evolved globally and came a long way but
the struggle continues. The recent feminist
activities that strongly opposes sexual
harassment and violence against women
can be termed as the “Fourth Wave of
Feminism”. The waves are basically the
description and differentiation between
different era and generation of feminism.
There have been many public and
essential discussions on global platforms
for the intricacy of feminism.
Harsha Prerna