2019-03-01 Exhibit

(Nora) #1

84 I I MAR 19


very year we come
across different brands
launching tons of products
that amaze us with their
creativity, some impress us with
new innovations, and some,
unfortunately, fail to satisfy our
likings. If you look at the gadgets
that were introduced in the early
2000s, they were obviously not
high-end in terms of technology,
but still, it was the best that we
could have had then. Human
beings can never be content with
one thing and as rightly said by
Heraclitus, “Change is the only
constant in this world.” This quote
by Heraclitus has always made
sense. We strive to be better every
day, and yet we have room for
improvement in whatever we do.
Manufacturers these days are
in a constant dilemma with one
question that what could be the
next big thing that would make
a difference in the world. There
can never be a perfect gizmo, we
agree with that! So, we came up
with our set of ideas and if they
were to be implemented some
day in the near future, we feel our
day to day gadgets would then be
almost perfect.

My ideas fOR a


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