2019-03-01 Exhibit

(Nora) #1

houSe keYS

House Keys are one of the
most common and understated
objects of possession with any
individual. My idea for a perfect
gadget would be my house
keys. It is important in terms of
practicality and safety. Rather
than just housing a different
set of keys, the bunch should
offer a screen that provides a
live feed of my in-house security
system. This would help me keep
a track of the moment in and
around my place of residence.
Like smartphones, the key
bunch should offer a built-in
sim that allows me to connect

with emergency services like
the police, ambulance and fire
service. It could also double up
as a talking device that wishes
me the moment I held it in my
hands. In addition to that, I’d
want the keys to inform me
about the outside temperature,
pollution levels and the day’s
top headlines of the hour. It
should also have the option to
sync with the smartphone that
would give me direct access to
personal and work calendar
allowing important information
to follow instantly without
having to go anywhere else.

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