The Guardian - 30.07.2019

(Marcin) #1

  • The Guardian
    6 Tuesday 30 July 2019

T hursday marks the

200th birthday of Herman Melville

  • author of the greatest unread
    novel in the English language. I’ve
    lost count of the number of times
    I’ve seen eyes glaze over when I
    ask people if they have conquered
    Moby-Dick. It is the Mount Everest
    of literature: huge and apparently
    insurmountable, its snowy peak as
    elusive as the tail of the great white
    whale himself.
    Having grown up loving whales
    as a boy – in the era of the Save the
    Whale campaigns of the 1970s – I
    was underwhelmed when I watched
    John Huston’s grandiose 1956 fi lm,
    Moby Dick. Perhaps it was because
    I saw it on a tiny black-and-white
    TV, but the whole story seemed
    impenetrable to me. And there
    weren’t enough whales. I would
    have been even less keen had I
    known that the whale footage
    Huston did include had been
    specially shot off Madeira, where
    they were still being hunted. For
    the Hemingwayesque director,
    there was none of that fi nal-credit
    nonsense : “No animals were harmed
    in the making of this fi lm.” Because
    they very much were.
    Forty years later, I saw my
    fi rst whales in the wild , off
    Provincetown, a former whaling
    port on Cape Cod, Massachusetts.
    It was there, in New England, that I
    fi nally fi nished the book. What had
    seemed to be a heroic tale of the
    high seas proved to be something
    much darker and more sublime.
    I realised its secret. Not only is it
    very funny and very subversive,
    but it maps out the modern world
    as if Melville had lived his life in
    the future and was only waiting

Two centuries

after the birth of

its author Herman

Melville, the novel

that predicted

the climate crisis

is more relevant

than ever, says

Philip Hoare

for us to catch up. I fell in love with
Melville as much as I had fallen in
love with the whales. My own fi ve-
year-long voyage searching for these
magnifi cent creatures produced my
own book, Leviathan or, The Whale
and a subsequent fi lm, The Hunt for
Moby-Dick. But even now, having
read it a dozen times, I’m still not
sure I can tell you what Moby-Dick is
all about. Yes, it’s the tale of Captain
Ahab, who sails his ship, the Pequod,
in search of a white whale that had
bitten off his leg. But it’s also a wildly
digressive attempt to comprehend
the animals themselves. And despite
the author’s rather unhelpful
conclusion, after 650 pages, about
the whale, “I know him not, and
never will”, here are some very good
reasons why you need to read his
crazily wonderful book.

It is adored by the
great and the good
It is precisely Moby-Dick’s
forbidding reputation that has
inspired artists, writers, performers
and fi lm-makers from Frank Stella
to Jackson Pollock, Led Zeppelin
to Laurie Anderson, Orson Welles,
Sylvia Plath, Stanley Kubrick and
Lynne Ramsay , as well as the makers
of Tom and Jerry, and even
The Simpsons. The musician
Moby claims direct descent
from Melville (although he
admitted to me that he wasn’t
so sure it was true at all). There
are many who hold it as one of
their favourite books: Barack
Obama , Joyce Carol Oates ,
Patti Smith , Nile Rodgers and Bob
Dylan (who cribbed it for his Nobel
speech ) among them.

It is so prophetic
It’s a tribute to Melville’s imagination
that his book remains so strongly
in ours. He may have done for the
whale what Peter Benchley’s Jaws
did for the shark – recreating the

Moby-Dick – a
metaphor for
our own shaky
ship of state?

Philip Hoare
stands outside
the London
house where
lived in 1849

Queer, subversive, terrifying – M


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