Daily Mail - 30.07.2019

(Steven Felgate) #1
Page 27

I can’t play screen mum

to child who’s not mine,

says Natalie Portman

SHE has played everyone from Anne
Boleyn to a Star Wars heroine throughout
her wide-ranging career.
But it seems that the role Natalie
Portman is most uncomfortable
playing on screen is a mother.
Miss Portman, 38, who has son Aleph,
eight, and two-year-old daughter Amalia
with husband Benjamin Millepied, said: ‘I
just feel weird if I’m at work pretending
to be a mum to some kid who’s not my kid.
So, I’ve been trying out wild experiences
like being an astronaut or a pop star.’
Portman will play an astronaut in the
forthcoming Lucy In The Sky as well as
the ‘female Thor’ for the fourth film in
Marvel’s Thor fantasy franchise.
The Oscar-winning actress, who rose to
fame in Luc Besson’s Leon aged 13, said
that women spend their lives ‘fighting
against only being valued for your looks’.
She told Harper’s Bazaar: ‘It becomes a
very tenuous thing, to be defined by the

gaze of others, the opinion of others. And
beauty is, by definition, ephemeral, it’s a
thing that you can’t trap in time. So, to
make a lifetime worthwhile and have
meaning cannot rest on beauty.’
Miss Portman has been vocal in her sup-

port of the #MeToo and Time’s Up cam-
paigns and recently said that she had built
new friendships as a result.
She added: ‘I’ve been inspired by the
many women I’ve met through Time’s Up
... who are doing such impressive creative

work. They are inspiring activists and also
great friends. Whenever I think I have too
much to handle, I see what they’re doing
and know I can do more.’
The September issue of Harper’s Bazaar
UK is on sale this Friday.

Cover girl: The Oscar-winning actress says ‘beauty is ephemeral’ as she poses for the September issue of Harper’s Bazaar

Mothering role: With son Aleph, eight

By Jennifer Ruby
Senior Showbusiness Correspondent

Mothering role: With son Aleph eight

Therapy better

than pills if you

have insomnia

INSOMNIACS should be
prescribed therapy
instead of sleeping pills, a
study suggests.
It found cognitive behav-
ioural therapy (CBT) tailored
to tackle insomnia was bet-
ter than medication, leading
to ‘effective and enduring
improvements in sleep’.
The analysis of 13 studies
involving several hundred
patients found CBT helps them
fall asleep up to 30 minutes
quicker on average and reduces
waking up during the night.
The researchers from Queen’s
University in Canada said that
compared with sleeping pills, the
therapy ‘has been shown to be
superior in reducing symptoms
of insomnia and in maintaining
sleep improvements for years’.
Patients slept better after only
four to six sessions of therapy.
Most courses of CBT for
insomnia begin with a rigid
sleep-restriction regimen to
stop patients lying in bed awake
at night for prolonged periods.
They are told to leave the bed-
room after 20 minutes of strug-
gling to get to sleep and limit the
hours they spend in bed. Even-
tually sleep deprivation over-
rides any anxiety they feel at

bedtime and slumber follows.
The technique also involves ses-
sions with a therapist and steps
such as reducing caffeine, cut-
ting back on napping and keep-
ing a sleep diary to identify what
might be causing the problem.
GPs can refer people for CBT
on the NHS but patients often
face lengthy waiting times to
get it. Doctors can also pre-
scribe sleeping pills but these
can be addictive and lose effec-
tiveness over time.
Professor Juliet Davidson,
author of the study published
today in the British Journal of

General Practice, said: ‘There is
now a way for GPs to help
insomnia sufferers without pre-
scribing drugs. Widespread
studies have established that
cognitive behavioural therapy
for insomnia (CBT-I) is effective
and lasting. It works well to get
patients sleeping well again.
‘Current medical guidelines
recommend CBT-I rather than
sleeping pills.’
Up to a third of British adults
suffer some form of insomnia.
The sleep disorder is often
triggered by stress and can lead
to irritability, feeling low and
daytime tiredness.
Professor Helen Stokes-
Lampard, chairman of the Royal
College of GPs, said: ‘Sleeping
tablets can seem like an obvious
treatment option but they are
not usually effective for more
than a few days and GPs will use
them only as a last resort.
‘CBT tailored to insomnia has
been a first-line treatment
option for some time and many
patients have found it benefi-
cial, so it is really positive that
its effectiveness has been shown
by this research today.
‘Unfortunately, access to treat-
ments such as CBT in the NHS
can be extremely difficult to
come by and is very variable
across the country.’
She added that GPs should be
given access to more psycholo-
gists trained in CBT.

By Eleanor Hayward
Health Reporter

‘Sshh! I’m trying to sleep!’

Daily Mail, Tuesday, July 30, 2019

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