The Guardian - 03.08.2019

(Nandana) #1
There is no escape for families in Yemen
who are fl eeing their homes because of war.
Thousands of children have nothing – no home,
no clean water, no food, and no hospital to go
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Many have no choice but to live on the streets
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© UNHCR/Mohammed Hamoud

Saturday 3 August 2019 The Guardian •


family as “loving” and a “free spirit”.
“It’s sad, but what can you do?
The help is here if they want it,” says
Bradley, refl ecting on the deaths.
Bradley, who has also volunteered,
running the charity’s peer-
mentoring group meetings, was born
and bred in Southend.
“You’ve got to talk to each other.
They all sit and chat about this that
and the other and they open up a bit
Artwork and inspirational
messages created by patients adorn
the walls of the “recovery cafe”,
and a memorial book in the corner
serves as a reminder to the deadly
consequences of substance misuse.
Bradley points to her husband’s
name. “It was his own fault, he
didn’t take any notice of me so there
you go,” she says of his death 11 years
Boxes of cheesecakes are piled on
the counter, donated the previous
evening by a bakery worker who
knew someone who had been
helped by the charity.
“It’s a nice feel when you walk in
here although it’s bloomin’ hot,” says
Bradley as a batch of chicken cooks
in the ovens behind her. “You know
everyone by fi rst names and they all
know us. They know that they can
trust us.”
STARS, which is commissioned
by Southend-on-Sea borough
council, helped treat 661 people for

substance misuse in the 12 months
to June, including 76 who completed
programmes and are now drug-free.
Deaths from drug misuse in
Southend are slightly higher than
the national average, according
to statistics from Public Health
Between 2015-17, there were
4.8 deaths from drug misuse per
100,000 in the town compared to a
rate of 4.3 nationally.
Sir David Amess, Tory MP for
Southend West where two of the

deaths are thought to have occurred,
has written to the home secretary
Priti Patel and is calling on Essex
police to provide answers.
“It’s absolutely horrendous, it’s
heartbreaking for all those involved.
I want to know whether they [the
police] can shed any light on this,”
he said.
Dr Ahmad Muhamed, a specialist
in addiction psychiatry who is the
clinical lead at STARS – which is run
by the national charity Change Grow
Live – says he treats people with

addictions to an array of substances
including heroin, crack cocaine,
cannabis and alcohol. Patients are
prescribed substance substitutes
such as methadone and gradually
tapered off their drug use, he said,
in a process which sometimes takes
months but can often drag on longer
for years.
“It varies from one patient to
another because you have to take
into account a lot of factors: their
physical health, their mental health,
their socioeconomic status,” he

said. “Even if they have been on it
for years, the end goal is for them to
come off it.”
Two-thirds of those seeking help
from the centre for drug addictions
are hooked on opiates. Muhamed
explained the importance of
providing patients with the drug
naloxone, which they are also
trained to inject. “Naloxone is
an opiate antagonist, if it’s given
to anybody who sadly suff ers
accidently from an opiate overdose
and it saves their life,” he said.
Shahida Akram, who has been
service manager at STARS for two
years but worked there for twice that
time, said the number of drug deaths
in the past week is unprecedented.
The deaths all happened in
people’s own homes, Essex
police have said. Asked about the
misconception that drug addicts are
mainly homeless , Akram says rough
sleepers account for “a very small
statistic”, adding: “We get people
from all walks of life. There isn’t
one type of substance that’s related
to one type of person, it’s just a
complete mixture.”
Back in the cafe, Bradley refl ects
on the mounting drug problem
facing the town as a queue forms
for her freshly-served chicken. “To
be honest, I think Southend needs
a lot more of these places because
the work we do here, I think, is

‘You know
everyone by
fi rst names
and they
know us.
They know
they can
trust us’


▼ Elaine Bradley prepares chicken for
her lunch club, catering for hundreds
of addicts in Southend PHOTOGRAPH:


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