Your Baby – July 2019

(Dana P.) #1

JULY & AUGUST 2019 | 43

Images: Gallo Images/Getty Images

✓ Baths are soothing and sleep-
inducing; most babies will sleep well
after a bath.
✓ Massage your baby while playing
gentle music.
✓ Ensure some quiet time before he
goes to bed, as overstimulation hampers
✓ Keep lights dim for bedtime by using
a night light or the passage light.
✓ Don’t play during the night; feed and
change him and then put him back to
✓ Don’t leave your baby to cry when he
wakes up, as he will trust you if you meet
his needs immediately. If you don’t, he’ll
learn that only long, hard crying gets
your attention.
✓ Sleep promotes sleep. Try to have
your baby nap after his first feed/
breakfast, and he’ll sleep better for the
rest of the day and at night.
✓ Experts say that good sleep habits are
promoted during the first four months,
when babies are establishing them. If
you can, and if baby is happy about
it, you can gently help him to comfort
himself and fall asleep independently.

Babies are not robots and so, just when
you think you’ve got a sleeping routine
sorted, your baby may very well change
his mind – and your plans!
Sleep guidelines are generally sound,
but be aware that because your baby is
unique, you can “tweak” suggestions to
fit your particular situation and family.

Get to know your baby. He may need lots
of cuddles or want to be independent.
Tailor your sleep routine around
his preferences.
Know sleep stages. Only move your baby
once he is in deep sleep. Gently lift him,
and then put him in his sleeping place.
Warm the spot with a hot water bottle
first and then remove it.

Put your baby down when he is in
the light sleep state. Ensure that you
transition him smoothly, since jerky
movement could startle him and wake
him up. Theoretically, he will now be
able to go from a light to deep sleep
without your input.
Feed and put him down in a drowsy state,
which means that he learns to fall asleep
independently. You can pat and soothe
him until he closes his eyes, but don’t
leave him until he is in light sleep state.
Put him in his sleeping place when he’s
in the quiet alert state stage. Tuck him
in firmly and pat him until he’s drowsy;
very quietly leave and because he’s
tired, trusts you and is familiar with
his surroundings, he might happily go
to sleep.
You can also try this step when he is in
a quiet, awake state and it’s time for
his nap.

Your sleep routine and sleeping
arrangements depend entirely on what
suits your family. Moms and dads might
want to co-sleep with their newborn,
while other parents choose a strict
routine from early on.
Try a few arrangements to see what
works for you, and remember only that
old habits die hard; so, what you choose
should work as well as possible for
everyone concerned.
To help you decide where to put your
baby to sleep, consider these tips:
In the first few weeks and months,
your baby will need to feed at night, so
choose an arrangement that minimises
disruptions all round.
You may change your sleep routine
and place once your baby is feeding less
at night.


Pros Better bonding, easier
breastfeeding and instant glee when
he wakes up.
Cons Your sex life may suffer, you’ll
be more aware of a little person
in your bed and so possibly have
disturbed sleep, and you may worry
about getting your baby into his own
cot, bed or room. Your sleep noises
may disturb your baby’s sleep.

Pros He’s close by, so you’ll feel
he’s secure and you’re able to observe
him if he is unwell. Night feeds are
still easy.
Cons Disturbing him might still
be a concern, and he may keep
you awake.

Pros Your baby may go to sleep more
easily on his own, and you don’t have
to worry about disturbing him. It's also
easier to get your sex life back on
track if baby’s in the nursery.
Cons You’ll have to get up for night
feeds, may worry about being unable
to observe him if he’s sick, and babies
need and want the closeness of Mom
during the night.
(Discuss safe co-sleep arrangements
with your caregiver.)

✓ Your baby must sleep on his back or
side and never on his stomach, as this
increases the risk of sudden infant death
syndrome (SIDS).
✓ Use only cotton blankets and sheets,
which must be securely tucked in.
✓ The mattress must be dry, firm, clean
and aired.
✓ Room temperature must be 20 – 22
degrees Celsius.
✓ Only use a beanie for newborns;
thereafter, keep his head uncovered.

✓ Learn first aid and CPR techniques.
✓ Don’t use sheep skins, quilts, duvets
and pillows.
✓ Don’t allow smoking near your baby or
in the house.

It is dangerous to sleep with your baby if:
✘ You or your partner smoke
✘ You have been drinking alcohol
✘ You are on medication or drugs
✘ You are very tired
✘ You are together on a sofa or in an

It might be more difficult to transition
a toddler to his own room or sleeping
place, but this depends on how you do it
and your child’s temperament. YB

hospital, although you should always
be guided by your baby in what is
called a baby-led routine.
At this stage, your baby has no concept
of night and day, as he needs to eat
regularly over a 24-hour period and the
sleep-regulating hormone melatonin will
only be secreted as he is exposed to light
and dark (which takes about six weeks).
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