What Doctors Don’t Tell You Australia-NZ – July 22, 2019

(Darren Dugan) #1



That single session was sufficient to lift Sofia’s
depression and also enough to convince her to teach
RTT herself. If this was having such a good effect on her,
she needed to do it for other people. “Ten days later I
was on a plane to New York to train as a therapist.” Sofia
opened her own practice in August last year.

Revisiting the past
Marisa Peer, a British hypnotherapist and
psychotherapist and author of five best-selling self-
improvement books including I Am Enough and
Ultimate Confidence, created RTT by distilling the
wisdom she had gained from more than 30 years’
work as a child psychologist and hypnotherapist. Her
clients, who she claims include royalty, Hollywood stars
and Olympic athletes, convinced her that three core
disempowering beliefs lay under all issues:

  1. I am not good enough

  2. I don’t deserve happiness, goodness or whatever it is
    that I want

  3. I am different so I don’t belong and can’t connect to
    other people
    RTT maintains that these core beliefs get adopted in
    childhood and are buried deep in our subconscious.
    Despite our best efforts to overcome negative emotional
    states and change unwanted habits, we tend to recreate
    the same old patterns because we blindly follow the
    subconscious programs—which are often totally in
    conflict with our conscious desires and beliefs.
    “Since those deep unconscious beliefs have been
    there longer, they are stronger and in control,” says Sofia.
    “You can say to yourself as much as you like, ‘I am going
    to exercise, I’m going to stop eating chocolate because
    I really want to lose weight,’ but if there is a deep belief
    there saying, ‘You are only safe if you are overweight,’
    your mind is going to keep taking you there, and
    your body is going to keep doing that. So people feel
    disempowered and just give up at some point.”
    RTT is actually a very simple process. Clients are
    taken into hypnosis through a
    simple, five-minute visualization
    with the goal of understanding the
    issue or beliefs that are preventing
    them from living the life they want.
    They are then regressed—
    guided back through time by the
    therapist—to key moments in
    their life (very often childhood)
    to discover where the belief came
    from, how old the client may have
    been when he or she adopted this
    belief, and the situation at the time.
    The hypnotic trance facilitates recall
    of past events that are often otherwise buried from
    everyday awareness.
    “So, if someone says to me, ‘I have an addiction,’” says
    Sofia, “then we look for a period in their life where the
    addiction first began and the conditions surrounding
    it, whether it was a period where the person felt really

The core beliefs of RTT

Marisa Peer, founder
of RTT, teaches that the
mind operates on simple

•It does what it thinks
you want it to do

  • It is hardwired to move
    you toward pleasure
    and avoid pain 

  • The way you feel about
    everything all the time
    is about the pictures
    you make in your mind
    and the words you say
    to yourself

    • The mind loves what
      is familiar, and it
      is programmed to
      recreate what is
      familiar and avoid what
      is unfamiliar

In order to change a
negative emotional state
or unwanted habit, or to
create a happier, more
fulfilling life, you have
to make what is familiar
(e.g. comfort eating or
anxiety) unfamiliar, and
make what is unfamiliar
familiar (e.g. eating

healthily and adopting
calming practices and
This is done by
collaborating with
your mind—telling it
exactly what you want
by creating very specific,
exciting pictures and
positive self-talk, and
linking the pictures
and talk to a massive
sense of pleasure from
achieving your goal and
to the great pain of not
achieving it. 

We tend to blindly

follow subconscious

programs—which are

often totally in conflict

with our conscious

desires and beliefs

Hypnotherapist and
psychotherapist Marisa Peer
developed RTT to overcome
the disempowering beliefs
at the root of health issues

Sofia with RTT
creator Marisa Peer,
who, she says,
”had a different
way of approaching
depression that
resonated with me”
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