
(Barré) #1

some of its features are eclipsed by
even the most humdrum run-arounds
on the market today. It doesn’t have a
DAB radio, for instance, or a USB
port, or a Bluetooth connection
(although it does boast a hilarious
built-in Nokia handset). The clunky
sat-nav operates via CD. CD! Plus: it’s
silver. A silver SLK. A middle-aged car,

JULY 2019 • 19

“Why couldn’t Dad have

had a more acute and

ambitious mid-life crisis

and got himself a bright

yellow stripy Lambo?”

for sure. I feel too young to be driving
it. Why couldn’t Dad have had a more
acute and ambitious mid-life crisis,
and got himself a bright yellow stripy
Lambo, which he would have looked
far too old to drive? I’d have looked
perfect in that! Sigh.
I’ve decided: I’m going to sell it.
Probably this autumn, before I have
to get that service (after all, I don’t
want to give it up in the summer, the
one time of year a convertible is
practical). But I’ll miss it, this little
piece of my father’s legacy; this fun,
leaky, zippy, stylish roadster which I,
briefly, improbably, called my own.
Auf Wiedersehen, Merc. You were
part of the family. n


Did you know any of these pieces of royal family trivia?

King Charles II fathered no legitimate heirs during his time on the throne.
Because Princess Diana was directly descended from Charles II via his
illegitimate children, upon his coronation Prince William will become the first
descendant of Charles II to sit on the throne.

Queen Elizabeth II often travels with a personal supply of blood. No, she
hasn’t turned vampire—this is to ensure that wherever she goes, there will be
a ready supply for a transfusion, should the worst occur.

Prince Charles likes his mornings ordered—as such, according to the
documentary Serving the Royals: Inside the Firm, his pyjamas are pressed
every morning, his shoe laces are flattened with an iron, and he has his valets
squeeze exactly one inch of toothpaste onto his toothbrush.

Upon the birth of his son, Prince Philip—who was busy playing squash
during the birth itself—reportedly exclaimed, “He looks like a
plum pudding!”
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