
(Barré) #1
Keep your blood pressure in check
Hypertension is a leading cause of
blindness as it damages blood vessels.
Consider investing in a home blood
pressure kit.

Take care at the computer Yo u r
screen should be just below eye level.
This will make your eyes close
slightly when you’re staring at it,
minimising fluid evaporation and the
risk of dry eye syndrome, which
causes irritation. And take frequent
breaks. Set your alarm every 30
minutes to remind you to look away
from your computer.

Eat to protect your vision Blueberries
might prevent AMD, according to one
study. Meanwhile, other research has
found that lutein, a nutrient in
spinach and kale, may protect you
from both AMD and cataracts.
Another study found that people who
had a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids
present in fish were much less likely
to develop AMD. n

Stay off the salt Research suggests
that high-salt diets raise your risk of
certain types of cataract. Consider
using spices instead and buy low-salt
alternatives when choosing canned
and other prepared foods.

Protect your eyes from the sun
Researchers found fishermen who
protected their eyes from the sun’s
glare were less likely to develop
cataracts or age-related macular
degeneration (AMD), the leading
cause of blindness in the West in
over-fifties. Ideally, wear sunglasses
whenever you leave the house. That
protects your eyes from the wind,
which can dry them out. Wear a wide-
brimmed hat too—it blocks around 50
per cent of UV radiation.

Get walking There’s evidence that
walking reduces intraocular pressure
in people with glaucoma. In one
study, glaucoma patients who walked
four times a week for 40 minutes were
able to come off their medication.

Easy On

The Eye


It’s important to look after your

peepers if you want to see

clearly for years to come

50 • JULY 2019

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