
(Michael S) #1



HE garden in autumn has much
more to offer than a few short-
lived golden leaves and some
bunches of red or orange
berries. Autumn-flowering bulbs in a vast
array of colours, shapes and sizes are
long overdue for their moment in the
spotlight and, conveniently, now is
a good time to plant many of them.
There are a surprising number of
bulbs that flower during autumn. Some

look best in borders, others in grass,
while several lend themselves better to
containers. There are some for sunny
spots, and ones that prefer a little shade.
In fact, the options are so diverse that
there’s no excuse for not having at least
one variety in even the smallest garden.
The returns are relatively speedy with
autumn-flowering bulbs. Planted from
late spring until late July (when the
weather is warm), they’ll settle in quickly.

“But,” I hear you cry, “my borders are
packed with summer plants. I can’t
get in them to plant a load of bulbs!”
Luckily, many of these plants are low-
growing, so they can be squeezed
into any gap at the front of the border.
Also, some types are perfectly
happy naturalised in grass (colchicums
and crocuses, for example). Similarly,
Cyclamen hederifolium will be at home
under a tree where most other garden
plants would struggle.

Good for containers
Alternatively, you can grow some bulbs
in a pot, and either keep it on a patio or
drop it into the border next to, say, a
spring or early summer-flowering shrub
that’s lost its mojo. Be inventive and
you’ll surprise yourself at all the places
you could grow autumn bulbs.
In addition to the purples of
colchicums, crocuses and cyclamen,

From big and bold nerines to delicate autumn
snowdrops, autumn-flowering bulbs offer
plenty of variety in colour, shape and height,
while some even have fragrant blooms

For the ultimate garden pick-me-up, slot a selection of bulbs and corms into borders and

containers now for colour and interest as summer winds down, says Graham Clarke

The best bulbs for

Autumn flowers

Many autumn-flowering bulbs are available from garden centres and specialist
nurseries during summer, for planting out straight away. However, some types
may only be available from specialists operating at certain times of year. Try:
Avon Bulbs 8 avonbulbs.co.uk & 01460 242177
Bloms Bulbs 8 blomsbulbs.com & 01234 709099
Kevock Garden Plants 8 kevockgarden.co.uk & 0131 454 0660
Suttons 8 suttons.co.uk & 0844 326 2200 (calls can cost 7p per minute)

Where to buy

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