
(Michael S) #1


When our blackcurrants have
finished fruiting, how far back
should I prune them?
Gordon Cox, via email


Pruning blackcurrants is best done
between November and February,
and there are a couple of ways you can
approach it.
Blackcurrants respond well to hard
pruning so for a complete renewal you
could cut each of the main branches
back to just a bud or two above ground
level, or the base of the branch
framework. It would then come back
with renewed vigour in spring.
However, blackcurrants fruit best on
two and three-year-old wood so you
would lose a year’s worth of fruit. If you
have three plants you could do this one
plant each year and you would still have
two that are producing fruit.
If you only have one or two bushes it
would be better to implement a three-
year renewal programme. This involves

Write to us:Ask John, Amateur Gardening magazine,
Pinehurst 2, Pinehurst Road, Farnborough Business Park,
Farnborough, Hants, GU14 7BF.
Email us:[email protected]


Our oleander is doing well, but it
has grown rather tall. Should I cut
it back now?
Margaret Belstead, via email


The best time to prune oleanders is
September or October. If it is still a
young plant, take the tips off along each
shoot, to encourage it to throw out
branches lower down.
If it already has a number of main
branches, then the best way to do it is
to prune back by half their length any

Curious about caring for my oleander

When can I cut back blackcurrants?

Cosmos query


Please could you identify this
variety of cosmos?
Chris Plant,
via email


Though I
cannot find
the exact variety
that you wish to
replicate, the
following forms
closely resemble it:
‘Razzmatazz’:Semi-double shaggy
petals. Height: 3ft (90cm).
Supplier: Unwins. ✆ 08444 573 8400.
 unwins.co.uk.
‘Red Stripe’:Red with white stripes.
Height: 20-24in (50-60cm).
Supplier: Suttons. ✆ 0333 043 0700.
 suttons.co.uk.
‘Sweet Kisses’: Another striped,
bicoloured variety. Height: 48in (120cm).
Supplier: Mr Fothergill’s. ✆ 0845 371

  1.  mr-fothergills.co.uk.


My photinia ‘Red Robin’ has grown
rather tall and leggy and needs
quite drastic pruning, but when should
I do this?
Jennifer Hazell, via email


The best time to prune photinia
‘Red Robin’ is in late spring when
growth is robust and pruning cuts heal
quickly. It is, however, not too late now.
Ideally, at this time of year, don’t
remove more than 12in (30cm) as
wounds need to heal and regenerate
before autumn arrives and early frosts
damage tender new leaves.
Make sure that your shears or
secateurs are really sharp and well set to
avoid tearing tissue, which may become
infected with disease spores.

Reducing a ‘Robin’

Oleanders should be reduced in size in the autumn

shoots that have flowered. Side shoots
from the main shoots should be cut back
to 4in (10cm).
However, although this is the
recommended way of pruning oleander,
they are fairly forgiving of hard pruning,
and if you are worried about the height
yours might reach before autumn, you
wont do it any harm by cutting it to a
manageable size now.
The only problem with doing this is
that you might remove any flowers that
are developing.

cutting a third of the main stems back
to one or two buds above ground level,
or above the joint with another major
branch, each year. If you do this every
year for three years, you would
effectively renew all the branches.

Prune photinias in late spring

Blackcurrant bushes
should be pruned while
dormant in winter

variety of cosmos?

closely resemble it:

There are several
petalled cosmos

Morguefi le

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