
(Michael S) #1

Create small, enclosed areas using box hedging. This
colourful beehive-style box is one of several around
the garden used for compost making or storage

The arching stems
of Solomon’s seal
(Polygonatum x
hybridum) are suited
to anything from full
sun to full shade

with three espaliers already planted on
the top terrace, although several years
of careful pruning were needed to bring
them under control. Since then, their
number has been augmented by some
step-over apples to widen the choice
of fruit available.
Elsewhere, a set of eight triangular
raised beds, arranged in groups of four
either side of a pathway, provides

The beautiful eye-catching flowers
of bleeding heart (Lamprocapnos
spectabilis) – a herbaceous perennial
that thrives in partial shade

Capitalise on a sunny spot by using it to
grow fruit and flowers for cutting. The
pond was previously a header tank
for a 1960s waterfall
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