Very Interesting – July-August 2019

(Sean Pound) #1


n 1967, a fire killed three American astronauts during a launch
rehearsal of the first Apollo mission. The resulting inquiry led to
extra testing of materials used throughout the space programme

  • and this included sniff-testing. Non-toxic materials can still give off
    odours that make astronauts feel queasy, especially in the cramped
    confines of a space vehicle. That, in turn, can undermine the
    performance of the astronaut, putting the entire mission at risk.
    NASA’s current ‘chief sniffer’ is George Aldrich. Sometimes known as
    ‘Nostrildamus’, he is tasked with smelling all objects that will be
    within the habitable areas of the International Space Station.

Is it true that NASA smells everything

before it is sent into space?
Gemma North, Midrand

NASA’s chief
sniffer George


n 1941, American doctor
William Bennett Bean began a
35-year study of his own fingernail
growth, concluding that climate,
season and geographical location

Why do my fingernails grow faster

in a hot country?
Simon Firth, Pretoria

have no effect on growth rate.
However, other studies have found
a slight increase in growth during
the summer – probably due to
increased blood supply to the
fingertips. But if you notice a
sudden change while on holiday,
it’s more likely that your nails just
aren’t being worn away so fast
while you’re relaxing by the pool,
and the actual growth rate hasn’t
increased very much.

Shridhar Chillal stopped
cutting the nails on his left
hand in 1952 and finally had
them cut short in July 2018.
The record-breaking nails had
a combined length of more
than 9m.

The grey-headed
flying fox is one
species of bat
that does not
echolocate. It
relies on sight and
smell to find its

A One brown bat can
eat more than 1,
small insects –
mosquitoes included

  • in just an hour.
    A There are over
    1,100 species of



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