FoodPacific Manufacturing Journal – July 2019

(coco) #1

(^40) FoodPacific Manufacturing Journal July 2019
quality & safety


HE International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
embarks on a five-year research project to help
fight fraud in premium honey, coffee, speciality rice
varieties, and other high value products.
Working on the case are experts from 16 countries
who will refine the methods to apply nuclear-derived techniques to
test for accuracy in food labels.
The project is carried out in cooperation with the Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
“Numerous foods are sold at premium prices because of
specific production methods, or geographical origins,” said project
coordinator and IAEA food safety specialist Simon Kelly. “In order
to protect consumers from fraud, and potential unintended food
safety issues, we need standardized methods to confirm that the
product has the characteristics that are claimed on the label.”

Stable isotope techniques
The project will help countries apply stable isotope techniques
to protect and promote foods with added-value, such as organic food
or products with specific geographical origins like Jamaican Blue
Mountain coffee. The method works by looking at the ratio of stable
isotopes in elements – such as hydrogen, oxygen and carbon – and
the concentration of elements in a sample of the product. These can
provide a unique fingerprint that links a crop to the place where it is
“DNA will tell your parentage but not where you were brought
up, whereas the isotopes the food product has absorbed from the
environment reflect where they grow,” said Russell Frew, professor
of chemistry at the University of Otago in New Zealand and one of
the experts taking part in the project.
Mr Frew worked previously at the Food and Environmental
Protection Laboratory of the Joint FAO/IAEA Programme in
Seibersdorf, Austria, where he helped to develop the stable isotope
method to test for authenticity in manuka honey. “It is reported that there
is about six times as much manuka consumed as is produced,” he said.
The honey, produced from the nectar of the New Zealand manuka tree
flower, boasts natural anti-microbial properties and can fetch up to 1,000
New Zealand dollars, or almost Euro 600, per kilogramme.
Nives Ogrinc, Professor of Ecotechnology at the Jozef Stefan
Institute in Slovenia, is looking to apply the method to safeguard the
quality and geographic denomination of Slovenian truffles, a lucrative

IAEA project

targets food fraud

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) taps

stable isotope techniques in protecting and promoting

high value foods with specific geographical origins.

business. “White truffles can sell for up to 2,300 Euro per kg – they
are a big market, so there is a lot of fraud. We are also working on
fruits and vegetables such as strawberries, cherries, and garlic.”

Protecting products from developing countries
Fraud is a growing problem in the food industry, affecting
countries globally and hurting exports. The research project will
help developing countries increase compliance with regulatory
requirements, thus facilitating trade.
Incorrect labelling is also affecting Thai Hom Mali rice, a
premium fragrant long-grain variety that accounts for 13-18% of Thai
rice exports. The rice is produced in the north and north-eastern parts
of the country, which offer the ideal combination of soil and climate
conditions. “We have no laboratory to do this type of analysis, so I
want to learn how to apply this method,” said Wannee Srinuttrakul, a
scientist at the Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology.
Prized for its aroma and low-acidity, Jamaican Blue Mountain
coffee is among the world’s most expensive, making it prone to
counterfeiting. “It is really important for us to protect our coffee,”
said Leslie Ann Hoo Fung, a researcher at the International Centre for
Environment and Nuclear Sciences in Kingston, Jamaica. “We want
to apply nuclear techniques to differentiate Blue Mountain from High
Mountain coffee, for example, as they command different price points.”
Jamaica also wants to look at the applicability of the technique to other
premium national commodities, such as cocoa and rum.
The research project started with a kick-off meeting and will
run for five years. Participating countries include China, Costa
Rica, Denmark, India, Indonesia, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Malaysia,
Morocco, Myanmar, New Zealand, Slovenia, Spain, Thailand and
The IAEA, jointly with the FAO, helps its Member States use
nuclear and related techniques for science-based solutions to
improve food safety and security and sustainable agricultural
practices. The FAO, together with the European Bank for
Reconstruction and Development, published a report in 2018
highlighting the benefits of robust geographical indication systems
for local food products to rural communities.

Related resources
Food safety and quality
Fighting fraud with nuclear science

Stable isotope analysis can help differentiate real manuka honey
(right jar) from a fake. A new IAEA project will help countries apply this
technique to combat fraud in premium foods. (Photo: A. Cannavan/IAEA)
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